Kingdom Organic Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Kingdom Organic Seeds. We've collected data about 18 Cannabis Strains breed by Kingdom Organic Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Kingdom Organic Seeds.

Kingdom Organic Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Black Durban Kingdom Organic Seeds - mostly sativa regular
Black Forrest Kingdom Organic Seeds 112 sativa regular
Black Malawi Kingdom Organic Seeds 65 mostly sativa regular
Cherry Malawi Kingdom Organic Seeds - mostly sativa regular
Chunky Cherry Malawi Kingdom Organic Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Dark Forrest Kingdom Organic Seeds 80 indica / sativa regular
Dark Matter Kingdom Organic Seeds 63 indica / sativa regular
Deep Chunk Kingdom Organic Seeds 53 indica regular
Deep North Kingdom Organic Seeds 55 mostly indica regular
Deep Phaze Kingdom Organic Seeds 55 indica / sativa regular
Deep Space Kingdom Organic Seeds 61 mostly indica regular
Dirty Girl Kingdom Organic Seeds 63 mostly sativa regular
El Jefe Thai Kingdom Organic Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
El Squeako Kingdom Organic Seeds 65 indica / sativa regular
Iron Cindy Kingdom Organic Seeds 63 indica / sativa regular
Poison Durban Elixir Kingdom Organic Seeds 68 mostly sativa regular
Shish99 Kingdom Organic Seeds 63 mostly sativa regular
Super Silver Daze Kingdom Organic Seeds 55 mostly indica regular

More info about this breeder

Kingdom Organic Seeds's image

Hi there, I'm Skunk Magazine’s Cultivation Editor ‘The Rev’. My partner ‘Greenman420’ and I are KOS. We love high-type and connoisseur targeted breeding and we tend to use a lot of exotic sativas in our work. We never self or reverse anything and we do not make all female seeds because we like our stock to be healthy in all respects, including sexually. All our seeds are made using True Living Organic (TLO) style growing and we highly recommend all natural styles when growing our genetics. Please always allow our varieties to get at least 55 days old from sprouting before inducing flowering for maximum resin production. I have been breeding and growing for over 35 years and my partner ‘Greenman420’ has been growing for 30 years, and breeding for 5 years, so we have some real skills, not to mention quite a genetics stockpile to work with, including old world South East Asians, Thais, Mexican, South American, Hawaiians, and South Africans. Enjoy! - REv

