Kera Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Kera Seeds. We've collected data about 24 Cannabis Strains breed by Kera Seeds (3 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 4.72 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Kera Seeds.

Kera Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Amnesia Auto Kera Seeds 77 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Amnesia Mac Ganja Kera Seeds 63 mostly sativa feminized
Amsterdam Cheese Kera Seeds 63 mostly sativa feminized
Bubblegum Kera Seeds 60 mostly indica feminized
Burmese Kush Kera Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
California Nugget Kera Seeds 63 mostly sativa feminized
Cherry Grapefruit Kera Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
Crazy Bud Auto Kera Seeds 63 ruderalis / indica feminized
Critical Kera Seeds 49 mostly indica feminized
Critical Auto Kera Seeds 63 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Dutch Power 2.0 Kera Seeds 63 mostly sativa feminized
Dwarf Auto Kera Seeds 60 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Keramatic Auto Kera Seeds 60 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
LA Widow Kera Seeds 60 mostly indica feminized
NLX Diamond Auto Kera Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
NLX Special Kera Seeds - mostly indica feminized
Northern Light Kera Seeds 56 indica / sativa feminized
OG Kush Kera Seeds 56 mostly indica feminized
Pineapple Sativa Kera Seeds 67 mostly sativa feminized
Premium Diesel Kera Seeds 67 mostly sativa feminized
Skunk Kera Seeds 53 mostly indica feminized
Venice Beach Afghan Kera Seeds 60 mostly indica feminized
White Thunder Kera Seeds 49 mostly indica feminized
White Widow Kera Seeds 60 mostly sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

Kera Seeds's image

Kera Seeds has over 12 years of experience in the coffeeshop branch. This is how we know which types of cannabis are popular in Dutch coffee shops. We’ve put all these popular types in to our KERA CLASSIC coffeeshop selection. At Venice Beach (Los Angeles, California) you’ll find remarkable types of cannabis. Whilst the types of cannabis in Amsterdam are mainly those with a high yield, most of the ones from Venice Beach have a unique taste sensation. This gave us the idea to cross these two unique traits. For example, we have crossed the White Widow with a couple of unique American types of cannabis like the Trainwreck, OG Kush and Blue Berry. You’ll find these one of a kind crosses in our KERA CALIFORNIA selection.

