Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder KalySeeds. We've collected data about 18 Cannabis Strains breed by KalySeeds (1 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 99 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about KalySeeds.
Strain name | Breeder | Flowering time | Strain heritage | Feminized |
AD 17 | KalySeeds | - | indica / sativa | regular |
Giant Pur Pur | KalySeeds | - | unknown | regular |
Green Yve | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
IMPA Ruderalis | KalySeeds | 90 | ruderalis / indica | regular |
Indian Sommer | KalySeeds | 50 | indica / sativa | regular |
Indian Summer Chimäre | KalySeeds | - | unknown | Clone only |
Jaco | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
Legitimo | KalySeeds | - | mostly indica | regular |
Mex.Sativa | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
Mexsativa | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
Oly | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
Pintura Ruderalis | KalySeeds | 90 | ruderalis / indica | regular |
Rubina | KalySeeds | - | ruderalis / indica / sativa | regular |
Rudi | KalySeeds | - | ruderalis / indica | regular |
SWAG Original | KalySeeds | - | mostly sativa | regular |
Trindad Landrace | KalySeeds | 85 | sativa | regular |
Trinidat | KalySeeds | - | mostly indica | regular |
Trinidat Gold | KalySeeds | - | mostly indica | regular |
Kalyseeds specializes in unusual hybrids between cannabis and Japanese hops. After years of experiments the first crossings of the new, so-called PAC-strains, are now available.