Jinxproof Genetics

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Jinxproof Genetics. We've collected data about 52 Cannabis Strains breed by Jinxproof Genetics Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Jinxproof Genetics.

Jinxproof Genetics's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
2Many Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
9 Alarm Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
9lb Hammer Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
9lb Punch Jinxproof Genetics 62 mostly indica regular
Best Friend OG Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Brick House Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Bubba Gum Jinxproof Genetics 59 mostly indica regular
Cherry Forever Jinxproof Genetics - mostly indica regular
Comfortably Dumb Jinxproof Genetics 56 mostly indica regular
Cookie Puss Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Double Shot Jinxproof Genetics 65 mostly sativa regular
Dream On Jinxproof Genetics 58 mostly indica regular
Firestorm Jinxproof Genetics - mostly indica regular
Fluster Cluck Jinxproof Genetics - mostly indica regular
Freefall Jinxproof Genetics 63 indica / sativa regular
Game On Jinxproof Genetics 58 mostly indica regular
Gentle Groove Jinxproof Genetics - unknown regular
GoTime Jinxproof Genetics 61 indica / sativa regular
Hell on Wheels Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Hitgirl Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Hubba Bubba Jinxproof Genetics 64 indica / sativa regular
Ice Cream Dream Jinxproof Genetics 56 indica / sativa regular
Inda-Couch Jinxproof Genetics 53 mostly indica regular
It's Fire Jinxproof Genetics 53 mostly sativa regular
Legit Jinxproof Genetics 61 mostly indica regular
Lighten Up Jinxproof Genetics 61 mostly indica regular
Madcap Jinxproof Genetics 59 mostly indica regular
Main Event Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Morning Vibes 2.0 Jinxproof Genetics 62 mostly indica regular
Mother's Nature Jinxproof Genetics 56 mostly sativa regular
Mothertongue Jinxproof Genetics 58 mostly sativa regular
Nomad Jinxproof Genetics 64 indica / sativa regular
Oh Snap! Jinxproof Genetics 58 mostly indica regular
On Point Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Pound Down Jinxproof Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Problem Child Jinxproof Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Pucker Punch Jinxproof Genetics 66 indica / sativa regular
Robot Girl Jinxproof Genetics - indica / sativa regular
Safety Meeting Jinxproof Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Sativa Scream Jinxproof Genetics - unknown regular
Scarecrow OG Jinxproof Genetics 63 indica / sativa regular
Shangri-La Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Straight Fire Jinxproof Genetics 62 mostly sativa regular
Strawberry Blaze Jinxproof Genetics 56 indica / sativa regular
Stud Muffin Jinxproof Genetics - mostly indica regular
Sweetest Peach OG Jinxproof Genetics - mostly sativa regular
Tap Out Jinxproof Genetics 70 mostly indica feminized
True Love Jinxproof Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Ugly Unicorn Jinxproof Genetics 56 mostly indica regular
Vixen Jinxproof Genetics 58 mostly sativa regular
Watermelon Momma Jinxproof Genetics 56 mostly sativa regular
Wiped Out Jinxproof Genetics 58 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Jinxproof Genetics's image

Jinxproof Genetics Our genetic strains are created by Jinxproof who is recognized worldwide for being the creator and breeder of the 9lb Hammer, a powerful indica dominant strain that has amazed many a breeder with its potency, rosin production, fruity flavor notes and yield. Jinxproof, along with a culmination of innovative farmers, creates unique hybrid plants that please even the pickiest of cannabis connoisseurs. These genetics are created thru Jinxproof's farming knowledge of 30 plus years to breed and stabilize desirable strains that satisfy a variety of cannabis palates. Jinxproof Genetics company is a family run business that also gives back to the local cannabis community. A portion of monthly profits is donated to NW Families for Autism which is a local Washington state charity. It is our goal to continue to create high quality genetics that satisfy farmers of all levels of experience. May you have a positive and productive grow!

