Inseedious Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Inseedious Seeds. We've collected data about 7 Cannabis Strains breed by Inseedious Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Inseedious Seeds.

Inseedious Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Candy Skull Inseedious Seeds 60 indica / sativa feminized
Devil's Cake Inseedious Seeds 60 indica / sativa feminized
Guzzoline Inseedious Seeds 70 mostly sativa feminized
Jamaican Blue Inseedious Seeds 60 mostly sativa feminized
Purple Vortex Inseedious Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
Purple Zkittlez Inseedious Seeds 70 mostly indica feminized
Skull Fuck Inseedious Seeds 70 mostly sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

Inseedious Seeds's image

We at Inseedious Seeds, boasts top-quality seeds with skull-crushing genetics, sourced and refined by a dedicated team of microbreeders from the Netherlands, South-America, and the USA. From humble beginnings, Inseedious has grown into a trusted brand, earning the love and loyalty of customers.

Since 2024, we have relocated to Amsterdam, Netherlands, at the heart of Europe's cannabis culture. Inseedious offers a diverse catalogue of hand-selected seeds, including robust indicas, invigorating sativas, and tantalizing hybrids, catering to growers of all levels.

Our commitment to genetic excellence is evident through rigorous breeding programs and collaborations, resulting in a coveted selection of strains. The journey we have taken reflects on our dedication to quality and integrity.

