Hazeman Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Hazeman Seeds. We've collected data about 35 Cannabis Strains breed by Hazeman Seeds (3 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 7.78 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Hazeman Seeds.

Hazeman Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
88 G-13 Hashplant Hazeman Seeds 67 indica regular
Black Cheese Hazeman Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Black Russian Hazeman Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Blowfish Hazeman Seeds 58 indica / sativa regular
Blue Band Hazeman Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Blue Bubba Hazeman Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Breakout Hazeman Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Bubba's Widow Hazeman Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Cheese BX1 Hazeman Seeds 67 mostly sativa regular
Cocoa Puffs Hazeman Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular
Double White Cheese Hazeman Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Elephant Stomper Hazeman Seeds 58 indica / sativa regular
Escaped Hazeman Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Fast Pink Hazeman Seeds - unknown regular
Fugu Kush Hazeman Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
G-High Hazeman Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Gangster OG Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Grape 13 Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Hazeman Skunk Hazeman Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Head Candy Hazeman Seeds 55 indica / sativa regular
LA Dream Hazeman Seeds 58 mostly indica regular
LA Pure Kush F2 Hazeman Seeds 65 mostly indica regular
Lemon Stomper Hazeman Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Madness Hazeman Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Mercedes Lady Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Mikado Hazeman Seeds 56 mostly indica regular
Molikai Kush Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
Monkey Balls Hazeman Seeds 60 indica regular
P.O.W. Hazeman Seeds 60 mostly indica regular
Rocky Mountain High Hazeman Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Sour Grapes Hazeman Seeds 53 indica / sativa regular
Strawberry Cough Hazeman Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Triple XXX Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
White 88 G-13 Hashplant Hazeman Seeds 67 indica / sativa regular
White Grapes Hazeman Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Hazeman Seeds's image

2007, after a short time growing seeds for other breeders with great success, Hazeman Seeds started their own Seed bank at the beginning of the century.

Hazeman Seeds have always believed that their customers deserve quality strains for an affordable value. Hazeman have collated the best in old school strains since their inception, especially Indica strains.

It is through this desire to breed old school strains that the name Hazeman was chosen; one of the first strains that the company started breeding was Haze.

The men behind Hazeman Seeds have been in the business for 4 decades and have given no indication of slowing down. You can buy Hazeman seeds at Seedsman with confidence.
