Greenbud Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Greenbud Seeds. We've collected data about 15 Cannabis Strains breed by Greenbud Seeds (1 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 9 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Greenbud Seeds.

Greenbud Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Afghan Storm Auto Greenbud Seeds 70 ruderalis / indica feminized
Black in Black Greenbud Seeds 58 indica feminized
Blackout Express Auto Greenbud Seeds 65 ruderalis / sativa feminized
Blueberry 99 Greenbud Seeds 55 mostly sativa feminized
Budmaker Auto Greenbud Seeds 65 mostly sativa feminized
Critical Early Version Greenbud Seeds 48 mostly indica feminized
Explode Auto Greenbud Seeds 80 ruderalis / indica feminized
Green Power XL Greenbud Seeds 55 mostly sativa feminized
Jawbreaker 47 Greenbud Seeds 60 mostly sativa feminized
Lemon Pie Greenbud Seeds 67 mostly sativa feminized
Lemon Pie Auto Greenbud Seeds 70 ruderalis / indica feminized
NL 10 Early Version Greenbud Seeds 50 mostly indica feminized
Polar Express Auto Greenbud Seeds 65 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Snow Ripper Greenbud Seeds 57 mostly indica feminized
White Widow x AK Early Version Greenbud Seeds 50 mostly indica feminized

More info about this breeder

Greenbud Seeds's image

In Greenbud Seeds we are a team of professionals and breeders from different parts of the world with a long experience in selecting and developing unique genetics. Our know-how led us to join efforts with the aim of marketing a line of high quality feminized seeds which will meet the needs of any grower, from beginners who are looking for easy to grow inexpensive strains without sacrificing exceptional flavours, to the experienced and more demanding growers who want to work with the most exclusive strains in terms of aroma, yield, potency and quality. In Greenbud Seeds you will find high yielding strains with a personality all of their own and amazing qualities, flavours and aromas. Whether you are looking for a Sativa, Indica or autoflowering strain with Rudelaris genetics, all of them have been grown following the highest standards, achieved after many years of investigation to find the perfect individuals which provide high hybrid vigour and outstanding qualities by means of a natural processes of feminization and the use of organic fertilizers.

