Gooey Breeder Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Gooey Breeder Seeds. We've collected data about 10 Cannabis Strains breed by Gooey Breeder Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Gooey Breeder Seeds.

Gooey Breeder Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Berry Mania Gooey Breeder Seeds 62 indica / sativa regular
Berry Mania x Dark Cross Gooey Breeder Seeds - indica / sativa regular
Dark Cross Gooey Breeder Seeds - mostly sativa regular
Kona Sunset Gooey Breeder Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Lemendhaze Gooey Breeder Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
Psychopatch Gooey Breeder Seeds 60 mostly sativa regular
Pure Gooey Gooey Breeder Seeds 53 mostly sativa regular
Purple Mayhem Gooey Breeder Seeds 63 mostly indica regular
SicBerry Gooey Breeder Seeds - mostly sativa regular
Zinn Gooey Breeder Seeds - mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Gooey Breeder Seeds's image

Gooeybreeder works with old landrace strains along with his stunning 30 year old “Gooey” marvel, renowned for its heavy resin and production give way to amazing works of Cannabis art. We know you’ll enjoy and covet the powerful smells and tastes, uniqueness and productions you’ll get from every grow. These are true one of kind offerings that don’t contain the same old gene pools you’re used to swimming in. Medical marijuana needs fresh genes and Gooey has some amazing medical cannabis seeds. This is a great new for MMJ patients. Gooeybreeder's Purple lines, for example, are true purples, needing no cold temps or such things to bring out striking colours. These are breath taking. Enjoy different. Enjoy Gooeybreeder. Enjoy Cannaexotics.
