Genofarm Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Genofarm Seeds. We've collected data about 8 Cannabis Strains breed by Genofarm Seeds Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Genofarm Seeds.

Genofarm Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Best Mango Genofarm Seeds 60 mostly indica feminized
Big Shark Genofarm Seeds 53 mostly indica feminized
Black Diesel Genofarm Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
Easy Haze Genofarm Seeds 67 mostly sativa feminized
Farm Cheese Genofarm Seeds 57 indica / sativa feminized
Medicritical Genofarm Seeds 53 mostly indica feminized
Purple Haze Auto Genofarm Seeds 73 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized
Thunder Haze Auto Genofarm Seeds 77 ruderalis / indica / sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

Genofarm Seeds's image

Genofarm has more than 15 years breeding experience in the hemp industry.

Our genetics are sourced and selected from the purest strains to ensure the best quality. We work with high end hemp experts to keep up with a knowledgeable and demanding public.

To ensure high end quality, we look for well structured varieties that have special rarities and colourful polychromes. We constantly test our genetics to ensure they function in extreme conditions with high and low temperatures.

Our seeds are made up from a truly composite gene pool which provides stable varieties of land race strains, pure bred plants, elite clones and hybrids.

