Flower Bounty Farms

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Flower Bounty Farms. We've collected data about 3 Cannabis Strains breed by Flower Bounty Farms Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Flower Bounty Farms.

Flower Bounty Farms's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Circles F3 Flower Bounty Farms 75 indica / sativa regular
Sunset Bottoms Flower Bounty Farms 75 indica / sativa regular
Vanilla Bottoms Flower Bounty Farms 75 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Flower Bounty Farms's image

Flower Bounty Farms
Jeffersonton, Virginia, USA
Established 2020 as an Industrial Hemp Farm, licensed and registered under Virginia Department of Agriculture.
Small family owned and operated farm growing fruits, vegetables, and industrial hemp.
We grow using organic practices to provide quality artisan craft crops.
Producing seeds was the logical next step to find the quality medicine that I need for my Crohn's disease.
Utilizing my Hemp license, I have pheno hunted medicinal strains of CBD, CBDA, CBG and CBN.
Under the new Virginia Marijuana Legalization laws, I am now able to grow 4 THC plants on my property.
I have been slowly hunting legacy phenos from known breeders in an attempt to locate the perfect flavor for my "CBX" medicinal cross.
In doing so, I have been crossing these strains with my personally picked CBD/CBG/CBN males.
I am making these outcrosses available publicly knowing full well they will have enourmous variations of phenotypes.
This is the culmination of my efforts in hope that someone else may also find the medicine they require to have their quality of life.

