Fire Garden Pharms Genetics

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Fire Garden Pharms Genetics. We've collected data about 9 Cannabis Strains breed by Fire Garden Pharms Genetics Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Fire Garden Pharms Genetics.

Fire Garden Pharms Genetics's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Bahama Bunnies Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 55 indica / sativa regular
Bunny Pebbles Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Concrete Rabbit Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 55 indica / sativa regular
Eye Of The Storm Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 60 indica / sativa regular
Inner Peace Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 60 indica Clone only
Inner Peace v2.0 Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Moop Lion Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 53 indica / sativa regular
Moopberry Kush Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 70 indica / sativa regular
Moopfasa Fire Garden Pharms Genetics 75 mostly sativa feminized

More info about this breeder

Fire Garden Pharms Genetics's image

Fire Garden Pharms Genetics is a breeding company started originally in california we moved over to massachusetts to the east coast and currently have 5 strain in stock named the following inner peace(f1 and f2s),inner peace v2.0(inner peace v1 f2 x tahoe grapevine og),tahoe grapevine og(tahoe og x grape kush(clone),tahoe grapedawg(tgog (male)x stardawg(corry haime cut), and peacedawg(inner peace f1 male x stardawg corey haime cut). Our inner peace is a polyhybrid that was made using a silver cannatonic female and a male of our discontinued line of our own variation of spacejam,which consisted of tangiedawgwaltz x baylien (fire alien og x animal cookies by unknown prophet)

