Eskobar Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Eskobar Seeds. We've collected data about 20 Cannabis Strains breed by Eskobar Seeds (2 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 8.34 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Eskobar Seeds.

Eskobar Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Blue Rocket Eskobar Seeds 56 indica / sativa regular
Blueberry Sativa Eskobar Seeds 74 mostly sativa regular
Boudica Eskobar Seeds 60 mostly sativa regular
Candy Kush Eskobar Seeds 63 mostly indica feminized
Cheeseberry Eskobar Seeds 60 indica / sativa regular
Cheeseberry Haze Eskobar Seeds 67 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Chocolate Berry Eskobar Seeds 74 mostly sativa feminized
Chocolate Cheese Eskobar Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Chocolate Rain Eskobar Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Chucky's Bride Eskobar Seeds 53 indica / sativa regular
Gletsjer Eskobar Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Holy Princess Eskobar Seeds 66 mostly sativa regular
Jalisco Jaze Eskobar Seeds 77 mostly sativa regular
Lady Cane Eskobar Seeds 70 mostly sativa regular
Lady Cane F3 Eskobar Seeds 67 mostly sativa regular
N.L.A Eskobar Seeds 63 indica / sativa regular
NYCD Eskobar Seeds 67 mostly indica regular
Somango Haze Eskobar Seeds 77 indica / sativa regular
Vanilla Sky Eskobar Seeds 74 indica / sativa regular
Xocolope Eskobar Seeds 67 mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Eskobar Seeds's image

Eskobar seeds stands for quality medical cannabis seeds which stands out in taste and potency, these seeds are sold for a couple of years through sanniesshop. After years as main breeder in the breeders choice eskobar earned his own sanniesshop section., Eskobar is a very driven breeder that only uses the best of the best on the market to make top notch seeds, fully proven and tested seeds for a reasonable price.

