Energenetics Old World Farm

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Energenetics Old World Farm. We've collected data about 17 Cannabis Strains breed by Energenetics Old World Farm Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Energenetics Old World Farm.

Energenetics Old World Farm's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Black Tar Energenetics Old World Farm 70 indica / sativa regular
Bubblegum 2 Energenetics Old World Farm 60 indica / sativa regular
Colombian Mango Biche Energenetics Old World Farm 130 sativa regular
Congo Biche Energenetics Old World Farm 130 sativa regular
Deep Chunk Select Energenetics Old World Farm 60 indica regular
Deep Funk Energenetics Old World Farm 70 indica / sativa regular
Deep Rojo Energenetics Old World Farm 80 indica / sativa regular
Kerala Gold Energenetics Old World Farm 140 sativa regular
Kum Deep Energenetics Old World Farm 70 indica / sativa regular
Malla Paya Energenetics Old World Farm 90 mostly sativa regular
Mango Mango Energenetics Old World Farm 130 sativa regular
Mango Rojo Energenetics Old World Farm 130 sativa regular
Maui Red Energenetics Old World Farm 80 indica / sativa regular
Panama Pearl Energenetics Old World Farm 70 indica / sativa regular
Purple Paya Energenetics Old World Farm 80 indica / sativa regular
Silverback Energenetics Old World Farm 120 sativa regular
Tropical Red Energenetics Old World Farm 100 mostly sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Energenetics Old World Farm's image

Based in the Pacific Northwest with over 30 years experience, we specialize in heirloom, hybrid, and landrace genetics grown in organic living soil. We use sustainable practices and old world natural farming techniques to grow sustenance and seed.

Enegenetics Old World Farm was established in 2018 with the idea of preserving and blending original landrace genetics. At present, we have sourced almost 100 different landrace varieties from all over the world. They were obtained primarily from the source country where they grow naturally. That means that we can be confident in presenting you with the most authentic varieties that can be found. We will certainly have more great varieties available as we sift through these rare landrace genetics so that you can be sure to get quality tested seeds. These are specialty genetics for the connesour who only wants the best of the best.

These varieties have also been carefully selected and bred to produce our world class, entirely new hybrids. We have taken great measures to ensure the genetic integrity of every variety that we sell. All of our listings show source information and time of harvest, so that you can be confident that the seeds are fresh and viable. We strive to grow everything in organic living soil, under natural sunlight, with professional care and quality every step of the way. All of our seeds are properly dried and stored for maximum viability. With our experience in growing everything from cannabis and other medicinal herbs to fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms, we have the skills to do it right.

We are craftsmen, selecting and creating cultivars that are stong enough to withstand most outdoor conditions and potent enough to make everyone smile. We fine tune some and increase genetic diversity in others. These are small batch connoisseur grown varieties and we take special care in everything that we grow.

