El Clandestino

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder El Clandestino. We've collected data about 14 Cannabis Strains breed by El Clandestino Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about El Clandestino.

El Clandestino's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Amsterdamage El Clandestino 67 mostly sativa regular
Big Buddha El Clandestino 56 mostly indica regular
Bubalishious El Clandestino 60 mostly indica regular
Durban El Clandestino 67 sativa reg. and fem.
Fat Freddy's El Clandestino - indica / sativa regular
Hawaii White El Clandestino - mostly indica regular
Island Lady X Haze El Clandestino 56 mostly sativa regular
Malawi X Skunk El Clandestino - mostly indica regular
Natural Mystic El Clandestino 56 unknown regular
Northern Light XXX El Clandestino 60 indica reg. and fem.
OB-1 El Clandestino 56 unknown regular
Skunk 44 El Clandestino 42 mostly indica reg. and fem.
Super Skunk Special El Clandestino 56 mostly indica reg. and fem.
Swiss Miss x Skunk El Clandestino - indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

El Clandestino's image

In 2001 El Clandestino opened its doors in Amsterdam. It is dedicated to supplying quality seeds of classic cannabis varieties at very affordable prices. All El Clandestino varieties are produced on the El Clandestino farm by experienced Dutch breeders.

Early 2007 the company was given a boost of confidence with the introduction of some exiting and delicious new genetics. The packaging and website are also updated with new photos and now offer better product information, and even more tips!

In 2008 El Clandestino is proud to announce that four of their most popular strains are finally available as quality feminized seeds! Read all about the brand new line of 100% feminized seeds and discover why good quality does not have to be that expensive!

