Dungeon Of Dank Genetics

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Dungeon Of Dank Genetics. We've collected data about 21 Cannabis Strains breed by Dungeon Of Dank Genetics Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Dungeon Of Dank Genetics.

Dungeon Of Dank Genetics's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Becky Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 65 mostly indica Clone only
BlueMeanies Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica reg. and fem.
Ctrl-Alt-Delete Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Daves Not Here Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 55 mostly indica feminized
Dereks Stash Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
Goobers Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Indra Kush Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
LouBerry Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
MDZ Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
MouthParty Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Papa Smurpf Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 65 mostly indica regular
PePe Le Blue Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Peach Meanies Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 65 mostly indica feminized
Platinum Blue Balls Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 55 mostly indica regular
Platinum BlueBerry Jam Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Platinum BlueBreath Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Platinum Blue Breath F2 Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica regular
Raspberry Belts Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
STL Blue Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
StreetBeanz Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized
Sugar O's Dungeon Of Dank Genetics 60 mostly indica feminized

More info about this breeder

Dungeon Of Dank Genetics's image

Missouri based company focused on searching and creating the best strains possible. When daily passion meets the need to create it’s Dank from there!

