Dr. Hemps Seeds

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Dr. Hemps Seeds. We've collected data about 18 Cannabis Strains breed by Dr. Hemps Seeds (1 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 7.33 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Dr. Hemps Seeds.

Dr. Hemps Seeds's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Blueberry x Power Plant Dr. Hemps Seeds 56 indica / sativa regular
Dr. Hemp #1 Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Early Girl Dr. Hemps Seeds 50 mostly indica reg. and fem.
Hindu Kush Dr. Hemps Seeds 53 indica reg. and fem.
Jack Herer Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
La Luna Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Moroccan Hash Plant Dr. Hemps Seeds 53 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
New York City Diesel Dr. Hemps Seeds 74 mostly sativa regular
Northern Lightz Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Poco Loco Dr. Hemps Seeds 73 mostly sativa reg. and fem.
Purple Wizard Dr. Hemps Seeds 53 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Silver Shiva Dr. Hemps Seeds 53 indica reg. and fem.
Strawberry Dr. Hemps Seeds 63 mostly sativa reg. and fem.
Super Skunk Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
Thai-Breaker Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 mostly sativa reg. and fem.
The Leveller Dr. Hemps Seeds 56 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
White Widow Dr. Hemps Seeds 60 indica / sativa reg. and fem.
White Wizard Dr. Hemps Seeds 77 indica / sativa reg. and fem.

More info about this breeder

Dr. Hemps Seeds's image

Dr Hemps Seeds are a brand new range of cannabis seeds imported directly from The Netherlands.

Dr Hemp has specially selected 16 popular varieties of seeds, which are favourites amongst growers and smokers alike.

All seeds are organically grown and tested to the highest standards. Each packet of Dr Hemp`s Seeds contains 10 seeds.

Dr Hemp has personally tested the final product in The Netherlands and is sure these F1 cannabis seeds will be a huge hit throughout the world.
