Black Tuna

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Black Tuna. We've collected data about 52 Cannabis Strains breed by Black Tuna Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Black Tuna.

Black Tuna's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Agua e Panela con Limón Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Açaí Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Bloodsport Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
CRxM Black Tuna - unknown Clone only
Cabernet Sauvignon Black Tuna 53 mostly indica feminized
Caiman Black Tuna 72 mostly sativa regular
Cerezaz Black Tuna 50 mostly indica feminized
Champaña Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Citrus Limonia Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Esmeraldaz Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Fig Newtonz Black Tuna 77 mostly sativa feminized
Forbidden Applez Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Fresas con Crema Black Tuna 53 mostly indica feminized
Gaira Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Grajo Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Grape Venom Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Grapplez Black Tuna 58 indica / sativa feminized
Histrionnica Black Tuna 72 mostly sativa regular
Jaguar Negro Black Tuna 70 mostly sativa regular
Jaguar Negro F2 Black Tuna 70 mostly sativa regular
K.O. Black Tuna 55 mostly indica feminized
Kid Pambelé Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
La Perla Black Tuna 72 mostly sativa regular
La Samaria Black Tuna 72 mostly sativa regular
Limonada Cerezada Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Limonada de Mango Black Tuna 63 indica / sativa feminized
Luloz Black Tuna 72 mostly sativa regular
Marigüana Black Tuna 70 mostly sativa regular
Merengón Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Mermelada Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Mestizo Black Tuna 70 mostly sativa regular
Mousse de Limón Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Mulato Black Tuna 70 mostly sativa regular
Obleaz Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa regular
Ocean Spray Black Tuna 58 indica / sativa feminized
Palabras Sobran | Blessd Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Punto Rojo Black Tuna 82 mostly sativa regular
Raspao Black Tuna 66 mostly sativa regular
Raspao F2 Black Tuna 66 mostly sativa regular
Rum Punch Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Salpicón Black Tuna 66 mostly sativa regular
Salpicón F2 Black Tuna 66 mostly sativa regular
Samarian Sunset Black Tuna 47 indica / sativa feminized
Selva Negra Black Tuna 59 mostly sativa feminized
Sierra Nevada Black Tuna 82 mostly sativa regular
Toronjaz Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Tropical Punch Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Tropicanna Punch #61 Black Tuna 63 mostly sativa feminized
Uvaz Black Tuna 62 mostly sativa feminized
Viche Black Tuna 67 mostly sativa regular
Zambo Black Tuna 66 mostly sativa regular
Zinfandel Black Tuna 67 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Black Tuna's image

We are a multidisciplinary collective of experts in the cannabis industry aiming to be the driving force for societal change, inviting you to adopt a balanced lifestyle that allows you to achieve comprehensive growth. As pioneers in the Colombian cannabis industry, we have been involved in the various stages that have shaped its evolution.

Today, we are living a dream come true: sharing with you our passion for self-discovery and personal growth. We make our knowledge available to you so that you can be part of this revolution that helps us grow and motivates us to become the best version of ourselves.

As committed, ethical, and hardworking professionals, we dedicate ourselves with seriousness and devotion to the research and development of exceptional genetics. Our unwavering commitment to excellence drives us to adhere to the highest standards at every step of our process, from seed selection to the final packaging.

We value integrity in all our interactions and strive to be an example of ethical conduct in the industry. With a focus on commitment to our customers and consumer satisfaction, we aim to exceed expectations and offer reliable, quality products. Through our hard work and dedication, we strive to contribute to the growth and recognition of the cannabis industry, promoting its legitimacy and appreciating its therapeutic potential.

