Alphakronik Genes

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Alphakronik Genes. We've collected data about 73 Cannabis Strains breed by Alphakronik Genes (2 of this strains got reviews of the SeedFinder users, with an average rating from 9.09 out of 10!) Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Alphakronik Genes.

Alphakronik Genes's strains

Strain name Breeder Flowering time Strain heritage Feminized
Alchaka Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Alice Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Alpha Dawg Alphakronik Genes - mostly indica regular
Alpha OG Alphakronik Genes 58 mostly indica regular
Alphakronik Alphakronik Genes 70 mostly indica regular
American Kush Alphakronik Genes 53 mostly indica regular
Bandana Alphakronik Genes 75 mostly sativa regular
Bandersnatch Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Belka Alphakronik Genes 65 mostly sativa regular
Brioche Alphakronik Genes 61 unknown regular
Bubba Love Alphakronik Genes - mostly indica regular
Caesar Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Cannoli Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Cheddarhead Alphakronik Genes 60 mostly sativa regular
Cheddarwurst Alphakronik Genes 70 mostly indica regular
Cheddarwurst 2 Alphakronik Genes 65 indica / sativa regular
Chembo Kush Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Cheshire Kush Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Coffee Cake Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Cronuts Alphakronik Genes 46 mostly sativa regular
Donugs Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Eisbaer Alphakronik Genes 65 mostly indica regular
Enigma Alphakronik Genes 67 indica / sativa regular
Flashburn Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Force Body Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Force Sense Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Force Vision Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Galactic Glue Alphakronik Genes 58 indica / sativa regular
Gan Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Gas Munkey Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Gobbilygoo Alphakronik Genes 53 mostly indica regular
Gobbstopper Alphakronik Genes 53 mostly indica regular
Grand Brix Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Heisenberg Kush Alphakronik Genes 46 mostly sativa regular
High Roller Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Huckleberry Pie Alphakronik Genes 58 mostly indica regular
Jackfruit Alphakronik Genes 61 unknown regular
Jackpot Royale Alphakronik Genes 70 mostly indica regular
Junglist OG Alphakronik Genes 58 mostly indica regular
Kickapoo Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Laika Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly sativa regular
Las Vegas Purple Kush BX Alphakronik Genes 56 mostly indica regular
Madhatter Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Maturin Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Nevada Privada Alphakronik Genes 67 mostly indica regular
Omega Dawg Alphakronik Genes 70 indica / sativa regular
Peanut Butter Parfait Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Pecan Pie Alphakronik Genes 61 unknown regular
Puppy Monkey Baby Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Purple Heart Alphakronik Genes 63 indica / sativa regular
Queen of Hearts Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Queso Fuertes Alphakronik Genes 49 mostly sativa regular
Qwad Dawg Alphakronik Genes 67 mostly sativa regular
Ragnarok Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Raspberry Crisp Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Rawdawg Alphakronik Genes 67 mostly indica regular
Sin City Kush Alphakronik Genes 70 mostly indica regular
Sin City Kush 2 Alphakronik Genes 59 indica / sativa regular
Skittleberry Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly sativa regular
Skyscraper Kush Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly sativa regular
Snowdawg BX Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly indica regular
Snowdawg II Alphakronik Genes - mostly indica regular
Snowdizzle Alphakronik Genes 53 mostly indica regular
Snozzberry Alphakronik Genes 68 mostly indica regular
Snozzwanger Alphakronik Genes 55 mostly indica regular
Sourdough Cupcake Alphakronik Genes 61 unknown regular
Stephen Hawking Kush Alphakronik Genes 53 mostly indica regular
Superbomb Alphakronik Genes - mostly indica regular
Taleggio Alphakronik Genes 60 mostly sativa regular
The Claw Alphakronik Genes 67 indica / sativa regular
The Dawgfather Alphakronik Genes 63 mostly sativa regular
Tillamook Strawberry Alphakronik Genes 60 indica / sativa regular
White Diomonds Alphakronik Genes 65 indica / sativa regular

More info about this breeder

Alphakronik Genes's image

We offer only real genetics made the natural way, with a female and a male plant. All plants are grown in soil and grown with organic or organic based nutrients. You will never find AG Seeds cutting corners to make a quick buck. Quality genetics are produced with heaping amounts of love, time, and dedication; not gender-reversal sprays. Alphakronik Genes Seeds is the cannabis industry leader in customer service. AG Seeds has a full-time customer service support staff that answers any questions that Alphakronik Genes Seeds might have. Our goal is to make sure that each and every Alphakronik Genes Seeds customer is satisfied and growing happy. Alphakronik Genes Seeds offers a no questions asked satisfaction guarantee on any of our products. If for any reason you are unhappy with our seeds, we will work with you until you are satisfied and growing happy again. We use only the rarest and potent parental genetics available in the world to make our seed lines. Unique flavors and unparalleled potency are what Alphakronik Genes Seeds is known for.

