Kavik's Sweat Taste information

Kavik (Tatewari Tactical)

Effect Average %
Lemon 48% (medium)
Lemon Grass 17% (low)
Sweet Lemon 10% (low)
Lime 5% (low)
Acidic 5% (low)
Earth 5% (low)
Orange Blossom 2.5% (low)
Coffee 2.5% (low)
Hashish 2% (low)
Wood 2% (low)
Sweat 1.5% (low)
Sugar 1% (low)
Mint 1% (low)
Ginger 1% (low)
Sage 1% (low)
Pine 1% (low)
Walnut 1% (low)
Tangerine 0.5% (low)
Sandalwood 0.5% (low)
Cedarwood 0.5% (low)
Musky 0.5% (low)

This data was drawn from 2 reviews. Thanks to: XmasConan and KeganLee

More info about Kavik (Tatewari Tactical)


The following 38 cannabis-strains was described as "sweat" Taste.


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