707 TruthBand's Pear Taste information

707 TruthBand (Humboldt Seed Organisation)

Effect Average %
Passion Fruit 22% (low)
Raspberry 20% (low)
Blackberry 20% (low)
Blueberry 18% (low)
Sandalwood 17% (low)
Hashish 15% (low)
Cedarwood 14% (low)
Pear 12% (low)
Pine 12% (low)
Plum 11% (low)
Grape 10% (low)
Mango 9% (low)
Banana 9% (low)
Cherry 9% (low)
Coconut 8% (low)
Cantaloupe 7% (low)
Sugar 6% (low)
Pineapple 5% (low)
Licorice 3% (low)
Earth 1% (low)
Musky 1% (low)
Sweat 1% (low)

This data was drawn from 1 reviews. Thanks to: kingcheefa420

More info about 707 TruthBand (Humboldt Seed Organisation)


The following 11 cannabis-strains was described as "pear" Taste.


Here you can find the varieties of cannabis which were tagged by our users with certain characteristics in terms of Taste. Altogether there are currently 716 varieties of cannabis in this cloud.