An image of Mai Tai

Mai Tai

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

Hier gibt es alle Infos zu Mai Tai von Philosopher Seeds. Wenn Du nach Informationen zu Mai Tai von Philosopher Seeds suchst, schaue Dir unsere an: Grundlegende Informationen, Galerie, Rau(s)ch-Bericht, Cannabis-Cups, Steckbriefe, Sorten-Vergleich, Abstammung / Genealogie, Hybriden / Kreuzungen, Rezensionen der Benutzer, Informiere Dich hier auf dieser Seite über diese Cannabissorte und folge den Links, um noch mehr Informationen zu erhalten. Oder alle auflisten Mai Tai Dehnungen (± 3) Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Links hochladen um diese auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Grundlegende Informationen

Mai Tai is an Indica/Sativa from Philosopher Seeds und kann indoor und outdoor angebaut werden (Wobei die Pflanzen eine Blütezeit von ±60 benötigen) Philosopher Seeds ist Mai Tai ist nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds Beschreibung

Mai Tai seeds are presented in limited edition. It is the encounter between two elite cuttings within the recent years Top Ten thanks to the high power and yield, and a marked terpenes profile and amazing resin production.

Mai Tai is the encounter between the famous Gorilla Glue #4 elite clone and Purple Punch. Gorilla Glue #4 cutting by Joesy Whales (GGStrains): (Sour Dubb x Chem Sister) x Chocolate Diesel is the undisputed champion of a multitude of cannabis cups. This is thanks to its special attributes, a plant with an enormous yield, easily exceeding 500g per m2 when the minimum needs are provided. It produces flower colas with disproportionate parameters in terms of size and resin amount. The buds are dense, with good calibre and hard as rocks. Once dried and cured, and processed, results in a hashish with an incredible texture and aroma, and great return. Many US extractors consider this variety one of the best. Caution is recommended regarding its effects, as it can reach a THC level up to 30% indoors.

Super Nova Gardens' Purple Punch is the male reverted to pollinate Gorilla Glue #4 and create Mai Tai. It is a very special selection known as Alphacut, a cross between Larry OG and Grand Daddy Purple. Purple Punch Alphacut is a very fast plant, ready to harvest indoors in about 45 days at a 12/12 photoperiod. It acquires wonderful violet colours inherited from its Grand Daddy Purple parental. It stands out by enhancing a white resin enormous production. Purple Punch terpenes are very characteristic for its wild fruits’ sweetness. Berries, blackberries, and even grape juice appear on the palate. Purple Punch Alphacut cut can be considered pure sweetie.
Mai Tai variety, fast, productive, and resistant cannabis

Mai Tai is the magnificent result of the encounter between so different cannabis varieties as Gorilla and Purple Punch. It is a plant with a strong growth vigour that maintains the best characteristics of both parentals.

Mai Tai grows with vitality. From birth it shows an enormous vegetative potential and robustness, becoming a plant that is highly resistant to possible errors during cultivation. It is also resistant to pests, so is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced growers. Experienced cultivators and dispensaries will easily make the cultivation profitable thanks to its ease cultivation and speed. It is ready to harvest after about 65 days, and it is recommended to stake the main branches to keep them upright until harvest, since the flowers are dense and heavy.
Mai Thai strain, sweet and powerful buds

Once harvested, many plants show reddish and purple coloration. This characteristic adds great value to the final result, with some really appetising buds that are immediately eye-catching.

Mai Tai harvest, after a few weeks of curing, gives off a pleasant, sweet aroma with red fruits, wine, coffee and even vanilla than can appear in many plants. Certainly, all of them offer a common effect, with a very energetic, cheerful and motivating high that progresses to a captivating muscle relaxation that allows you to philosophise and enjoy in company at the same time.
Philosopher Seeds Mai Tai info:

Genetics: Gorilla Glue #4 x Purple Punch Alphacut
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
THC content: High (Up to 30%)
Indoor yield: High (〉500g per m2)
Outdoor yield: High (〉500g per plant)


Mai Tai Sortensteckbriefe

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Mai Tai Rau(s)ch-Bericht

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Geruch / Aroma

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Mai Tai Vergleiche

How is Mai Tai growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Philosopher Seeds' Mai Tai and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Philosopher Seeds Mai Tai:

Mai Tai Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Wir haben 0 direkte Nachkommen von Philosopher Seeds in der Seedfinder-Datenbank gefunden, hier eine kurze Übersicht. Um alle Hybriden und ihre Nachkommen zu sehen, besuche bitte unsere Mai Tai Genealogie-Seite und schau Dir alle direkten Nachkommen an, die Kreuzungen - und alle nachfolgenden Generationen.

Mai Tai Benutzerkommentare

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