Sumo Seeds
Zombie Haze

Zombie Haze

breed by Sumo Seeds

Here you can find all info about Zombie Haze from Sumo Seeds. If you are searching for information about Zombie Haze from Sumo Seeds, check out our Basic Infos, Gallery, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Zombie Haze Strains (2) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Zombie Haze is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±81 days) and outdoors. Sumo Seeds' Zombie Haze is a THC dominant variety and is/was also available as feminized seeds.

Sumo Seeds' Zombie Haze Description

Sumo Seeds Zombie Haze Don’t be afraid of this Zombie, she will not eat your brains but will give a long lasting psycho-active high with an edge. Sumo Seeds Zombie Haze is our answer for people looking for a high THC value haze strain. We called her Zombie Haze because everybody who comes into contact with this strain will yearn for more of this delicious brain stimulator. It is a must for every haze connoisseur. To increase her harvest we crossbred our very potent Amnesia Ganja Haze (Amnesia Haze X Silver Buddha haze) with our White Widow Original (Indian Indica X Brazil Sativa). This resulted in a Sativa dominant haze strain with an Indica Yield. She will develop a large main bud with several side branches, a nice uniform cannabis plant with little to none differences between the phenotypes.
The zombie haze got his genetics from different areas of the world with a heritage from Thailand, Laos, Jamaican, Afghanistan, Hawaiian, United States, Cambodian, Mexico, India and Brazil.

Type: 30 indica 70% sativa
Genetic Background: Amnesia ganja haze X White widow original
Flowering time: 11/12 weeks
Harvest month:  march-November
Zone outdoor: C
Height Indoor: 130 -160cm 
Height Outdoor: 200 – 230 cm
Yield Indoor: 450-550 g/m2
Yield Outdoor: 650-850 gr
Effect: Long lasting psycho-active high with an edge 
taste: Floral/sweet, spicy/pine
THC: super high
CBD: low
Flowering time and appearance:
Growing the Zombie haze needs a bit of a patience. With a flowering time of 9/10 weeks she has clearly Sativa dominant genes. Don’t harvest her to soon, or else you won’t get the fully effect she has to offer. After germination of the zombie haze cannabis seeds you can put her directly into a 12/12 light schedule. This will shorten the flowering time as well as her height. Give her enough room to grow in height. She will develop into a tall almost pure haze cannabis plant. Her color is light green and she will form wide and narrow sativa leaves. Outside she will grow into a 200-230cm beauty.

Yield indoor/outdoor
Despite her buds being less compact than our other sativa cannabis strains, she has an impressive yield. Give her some room to enhance the overall yield. Growers with some patience can harvest between 450-500g/m2. Outdoors in sunny climates you can count on a harvest between 650 to 850 grams per plant if grown directly in the ground.

Effect + THC + CBD
With frosted nugs covering the Zombie Haze you know you will receive a very potent haze strain. With a long lasting psychoactive high makes it a perfect strain during the daytime. Zombie haze has an extreme high THC level but a low amount of CBD.

Taste and odor
When smoking this cannabis strain you will immediately notice her piney sweet floral taste. Her odor can be described as piney with earthy diesel like aroma’s.

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Zombie Haze Hybrids & Crossbreeds

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