Lucky 13
Romulan Warp Drive

Romulan Warp Drive

breed by Lucky 13 Seed Company

Here you can find all info about Romulan Warp Drive from Lucky 13 Seed Company. If you are searching for information about Romulan Warp Drive from Lucky 13 Seed Company, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Romulan Warp Drive is an indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. Lucky 13s Romulan Warp Drive is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Lucky 13s Romulan Warp Drive Description

Lucky 13 Seed Company Romulan Warp Drive Genetics: Sage Scout x Romulan

Variety: 100% Indica

Avg. Flowering Time: 9 Weeks

Yield: Medium-Heavy

Potency: High

Romulan, our flagship strain, is now finally available in an outdoor friendly version for short season growers. After having worked it for well over a decade, and now past it’s 7th filial generation (since we first acquired it - in reality it is probably well past the F10 generation), we know it better than any other strain in existence. However, one thing we’ve learned in all those years is that if you attempt to grow this magnificent strain outdoors anywhere north of the Emerald Triangle, you will be sorely disappointed. Flowering initiation on this squat and branchy indica is just far too late in the season to make it to harvest time intact. You might be able to salvage a bud or two here or there, but ultimately the cold and damp weather of late autumn will wreak havoc on Romulan and render all your hard work for naught.

Thankfully, that is no longer the case. Our multiple year project to develop a faster flowering Romulan line has come to fruition in Romulan Warp Drive. Finishing a full month earlier than standard Romulan, this outdoor friendly cultivar retains all of the elite qualities of the original but with light-speed flowering time.

You can still expect the same knockdown, eye squinting, body melting effect of the original Romulan, along with its trademark pine forest aroma and thick sparkling buds. In fact, thanks to the powerfully dominant genes of this heavily worked IBL, the only thing you will find very different from standard Romulan is that you will be harvesting in the sun, rather than the snow.

Romulan Warp Drive grows branchy and somewhat stout but with extended internode spacing and a narrower leaf structure allowing improved airflow and thus heightened resistance to mold and mildew. A massive central cola develops with orbiting satellite branches of equally impressive side buds. Resin is off the charts with copious trichome production that arrives early and stacks upon itself until it flows over the petioles and beyond.

As with the original Romulan, you will get a concentrated sharp and astringent lemon Pine-Sol aroma with a pungent skunky underlay that is retained exceptionally well in the cured buds and concentrates. Speaking of which, if hash is your game, look no further. Romulan Warp Drive makes an exceptional bubble hash cultivar that sheds its sticky glands with ease and in great abundance, in fact, much more readily than the original.

While standard Romulan doesn’t fully ripen until well into November, expect Romulan Warp Drive to come flying across the finish line in late September to early October depending on location.

Romulan Warp Drive Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Romulan Warp Drive Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Romulan Warp Drive in our dynamic family tree map.

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