Orange Velvet

Orange Velvet (Unknown or Legendary) :: StrainReview :: Indoor :: No.06902127787573856 by GuerillaGorilla

Plant-Profile about Orange Velvet (by Unknown or Legendary)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 04.02.2023.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed insane strong and very long lasting.
Tolerance Built
quasi not any tolerance education.

Taste / Flavour

The taste / flavour of this variety recalls onto / is

General Impression

Orange Velvet (Unknown or Legendary)

is all together extremely good and very recommendable
(On average 9 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)

Additional Information

GuerillaGorilla says

I have Orange Velvet from Demecan (Typ 2)bought in a pharmacy and tested with 16.1%THC. Even though the THC seems not too high it has a very strong effect. It looks, smells and tastes just like heaven :) It has a very light green color and is extremely frosty, covered with trichomes. It tastes fresh and flowery and you can actually taste some kind of orange. At first the high if slightly euphoric but 30 minutes later it becomes much more of a couch lock. Makes you feel happy and relaxed. Complex and enjoyable high, very tasty, perfect in almost every aspect! Nice all-day smoke. Would love to grow this strain some day but it seems impossible to get seeds :( (04.02.2023, 21:00)