
Kalinkessler is registered at the seedfinder since 11.07.2020 and was last logged in at the 07.05.2021.


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Examens des variétés

2021-05-07 BCN Critical XXL Autoflower
2021-04-19 Bubble Gum
2021-04-15 Bubble Gum
2021-04-13 Cream Mandarine Auto
2020-10-22 Danish Gold
2020-10-11 Viking
2020-09-28 Auto Northern Light
2020-09-28 Danish Gold
2020-08-29 Auto Blueberry
2020-08-23 Auto Purple Kush
2020-08-16 Mohan Ram Auto
2020-08-11 BCN Critical XXL Autoflower


2021-05-07 I had 0,1 grams in the vaporizer, and it turned ou... BCN Critical XXL Autoflower (SeedStockers)
2021-04-15 Very relaxing strain that's good for sleep. Perfec... Bubble Gum (Serious Seeds)
2021-04-13 Nicht für Anfänger zu konsumieren. Es hat eine seh... Cream Mandarine Auto (Sweet Seeds)
2020-10-22 Yielded less than other phenotypes of the strain.... Danish Gold (Hybrids from hell)
2020-10-11 This was a viking crossed with a "maroc" plant. En... Viking (Unknown or Legendary)
2020-09-28 Bio mit Myko für die Wurzeln. Es ist sehr kurz abe... Auto Northern Light (Linda Seeds)
2020-09-28 The advice not to do the veg under artificial ligh... Danish Gold (Hybrids from hell)
2020-08-29 90cm end height outdoors and organic. Yielded 21g... Auto Blueberry (Linda Seeds)
2020-08-23 Outdoor organic yielded 17g in the beginning of Au... Auto Purple Kush (Linda Seeds)
2020-08-16 Als kostenlose Same hat es 2,8 Gram produziert. Es... Mohan Ram Auto (Sweet Seeds)
2020-08-11 Be careful with high humidity. BCN Critical XXL Autoflower (SeedStockers)