An image of Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

élevé par Viking Gardens

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 de Viking Gardens. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 à partir de Viking Gardens, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de base

Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 is an ruderalis / indica / sativa from Viking Gardens et peut être cultivé indoors, outdoors and greenhouse (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±70 jours) Viking Gardens Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 n'est/n'a jamais été disponible en graines féminisées.

Description de Viking Gardens

Female used was selected from multiple packs of Tommy Chongs Kong Auto F4 and we choose the female based on experience with the best we had to work with with only 18 female plants total tit select from . The variety of Tommy Chongs Kong is about the same every time and that can be good and bad but overall it’s reliable for the Phenos they detail on the package and the best phenotype resembled and reminded me of a GG4 type structure and growth as well as the smells and the flowers shape and size . It brings a big abundant yield with thick rounded eggs shape flowers with not fox tail but nipple heads to the tops and it brings frost and Gas that packs a strong punch worthy of growing over and again for it smokes on a really potent level that actually caught me by surprise that it was more of a sativa type high at first onset and then it was a indica type of feelings after and it’s pretty balanced once the skyrocket onset of that strong fast acting high brings you back down to earth as it smooths you over into the pain relief and nerve relief and gets ya stoned at the end . The females grow longer then typical AutoFlowers and a taking a littler longer to flower and finish as the sativa cultivars do in our growing world a majority of the time over indica cultivars but again it was balanced and it had everything overall you would want in a genetic like this with its linage and background . We took our staple male Thor’s Hammer F4 once again and we pollinated it and has a great success rate on germ and testing finding the yield got bigger the buds got frostier and the smells of Loud Gas and Spices became more abundant as the combo of Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 really has a similar flavor to the Thors Hammer during the F3 stage . It reminded me a lot of how the Thors Hammer Terps and Flower growth with its late flowering push where it seems the last week before harvest the plant pushes a large amount of energy into the flowers as they swell up and frost over around day 63-77 in flowering . Really neat genetic to play with and it’s used in house to make hash in abundance . Flowers Finish Late Day 77 for the best smoke .


Critiques sur Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

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Dégustation de Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

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Odeur / Arôme

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Comparaisons Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

How is Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Viking Gardens' Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Viking Gardens Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4:

Hybrides & Croisements avec Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4

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Tommy Chong’s Kong x Thor’s Hammer F4 Commentaires des utilisateurs

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Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!

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Recension de Variété

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