Profil d'Plante Super Lemon Haze (de Green House Seeds)
Ce profil d'usine a été généré par 1 profils uniques, en particulier grâce à : Jubei
Informations sur la croissance des plantes:
- Temps de Floraison (à l'intérieur)
Entre 63 et 63 jours (Moyenne : 63)
- Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±:stretchPourcentage Pourcentage
Initiale de floraison sur environ 50 cm. - Hauteur finale sur environ 150 cm.
- Comportement de croissance
Broussailleux, MaigreletetVigoureux
- De pousses latérales
une grande majorité
très long
ainsi que
extrêmement fort et vigoureux
- Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...besoin d'espace et ne devraient pas être placés ensemble.
...a besoin de beaucoup de soins.
- sont pas tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
- besoin pas de beaucoup d'engrais.
- sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques.
- sont pas sensibles à la moisissure.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Sativa.
...ont besoin de beaucoup de place vers le haut.
...sont bien adaptés pour la ScroG (Screen of Green).
...doivent être cultivées par les experts seulement.
...construisent de nombreuses et épaisses sommités branches sur le côté.
...répondent bien à la habillage de la tige principale.
Récolte, Rendement, Goût, Arôme, force et efficacité
- Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette variété est haut
- Fleurs/Feuiller
Le rapport bourgeons/feuilles est de très bien
- La structure des fleurs
Les bourgeons séchés sont très dur et très compact
- Puissance / Effet durable
L'herbe est très solide et durable
- Construit tolérance
éducation à la tolérance très lente
Odeur / Arôme
Impression Générale
Super Lemon Haze (Green House Seeds) (Indoor) est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 Points sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 !)
Information Additionnelle
Jubei dit
I got three different phenotypes from three seeds. They all share great vigor, strong branching and minimal demand for extra nutrients. They all react great to topping and clones root fast and reliably. I’ve got two haze-dominant phenos and one skunk-dominant pheno.
Pheno #1 (skunk-dominant): This pheno took 58 days to mature. It had a compact model of growth with long side-branches, dark-green and rather wide leaves. The stretch was moderate at about 75%. The yield was pretty low.
The aroma was actually quite nice, with tones of black pepper, noble woods, passion fruit and hints of hash. It wasn’t very pronounced though. The same can be said for the taste: Quite nice, but not very intense; nothing too special.
The high was average as well, pretty mild and well suited for some relaxation, but nothing to brag about.
Pheno #2 (haze-dominant): This pheno takes 63 days to mature and has a similar structure to pheno #1 but with thinner leaves and a lighter colour. She doubles in size during flowering; the yield is moderate to good.
The aroma of this pheno is dominated by tones of sweet lemons, bubblegum, nuances of glue and traces of skunk. During the curing-process, the bubblegum and glue notes are mostly replaced by strong notes of sandalwood and black pepper, so in the end, the weed has that classic lemony haze aroma.
On the inhale the flavour is identical to the smell, though on the exhale the taste is predominantly piney – very delicious!
The high is of average strength: Low doses are extremely communicative and ‘social’. Higher doses cause a deep mental as well as physical relaxation and eventually put you to sleep.
Pheno #3 (haze-dominant): This pheno takes 67 days to mature and grows much more lanky than the other two phenos, but strong nonetheless. She looks much more like a Sativa than her sisters. After switching to 12/12 she triples in size; the yield is average to good.
The aroma of this pheno is similar to that of the infamous Amnesia Core-Cut, though a little less sweet and a bit spicier. It’s a synthetic buttery sweet-lemon bubblegum smell that’s accompanied by nuances of sandal- and cedarwood as well as traces of black pepper. After a couple of weeks of curing, the aroma changes into what can be described as sweet lemon incense – the same smell that’s left behind after combustion.
The flavour is identical to the smell and just as pronounced! As pheno #2 it’s super delicious!
The high is extremely strong and just as long lasting. It starts off purely cerebral and entertaining before it starts affecting the whole body. Since she’s a real creeper one must be careful not to overdose as that leaves you a little paranoid and completely incapable of doing or understanding anything. In low doses the high is extremely nice though.
Overall I can definitely recommend the Super Lemon Haze, although you might have to pop a pack or two to find a plant that embodies everything you might be looking for in a strain with that name!
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Les profils de plantes uniques sur cette variété ont été téléchargés par : Jubei
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