Profil d'Plante Purple Maroc (de Female Seeds)
Ce profil d'usine a été généré par 3 profils uniques, en particulier grâce à : EngelderNacht, emeraldoetScuba
Informations sur la croissance des plantes:
Récolte d'extérieur
End sur Septembre +/- 2 semaines dans les climats CmSh3 de l'hémisphère nord.
End sur Août dans les climats CmHm3 de l'hémisphère nord.
Middle sur Octobre dans les climats CmSh2 de l'hémisphère nord.
- Comportement de croissance
Rapide, Balèze, Comme un arbre de NoëletVigoureux
- De pousses latérales
moyen à plusieurs
ainsi que
fort et vigoureux
- Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
- besoin pas de beaucoup de soins.
- sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques.
- sont pas sensibles à la moisissure.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants.
...besoin d'espace et ne devraient pas être placés ensemble.
...sont tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures basses.
...ont besoin de beaucoup de place vers le haut.
...sont bien adaptés pour la ScroG (Screen of Green).
...construisent de nombreuses et épaisses sommités branches sur le côté.
...répondent bien à la habillage de la tige principale.
...peuvent construire des fleurs en avant la période de croissance.
Récolte, Rendement, Goût, Arôme, force et efficacité
- Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette variété est très haut
- Fleurs/Feuiller
Le rapport bourgeons/feuilles est de très bien
- La structure des fleurs
Les bourgeons séchés sont compact ordinaire
- Puissance / Effet durable
L'herbe est très solide et durable
- Construit tolérance
éducation à la tolérance lente
Odeur / Arôme
Impression Générale
Purple Maroc (Female Seeds) (Outdoor) est tous ensemble extraordinaire et tout à fait recommandable
(En moyenne 8 Points sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 !)
Information Additionnelle
Scuba dit
Grows well fast strong smell would breed this cuz the 50 day flower
emeraldo dit
Germinated 2 purple maroc seeds April 27, 2017. Latitude 47N.
Outdoor grow, using organic soil, ultimately into 10 gallon fabric pots. Vegetative phase in May and June: plant #1 was FIM'ed and produced four tall main colas needing restraint to keep her size more manageable. Plant #2 was topped twice and stayed shorter, bushier, and was slower but had good yield.
Beginning July 27, plants were brought into light-tight darkroom for 12.5 hrs at night to induce flowering. Even before that, however, plant #1 started to flower on its own around July 7/8 due to shortening of days (see photo of pistils taken July 8, 2017). Amazingly sensitive to the daylength. Female Seeds explained this very early flowering was probably due to a distant cross with an autoflowering strain, a Jack Herer auto. I first observed pistils on the second plant on July 28, the day after the light schedule was introduced, but flowering may already have been underway for a few days at that point.
Both plants were harvested by the end of August, total flowering times were 7 weeks and 6 weeks respectively. Female Seeds suggested to me that my practice of artificially enhancing/inducing flowering by bringing the plants into a darkroom at night may have "accelerated" the flowering process after July 27, which might explain why plant #2 was done in 6 weeks or less. I have no better explanation.
I observed two pheno-types: plant #1 was very vigorous (fastest growing plant in my whole grow), had abundant deep green leaves, and pushed upward with incredible energy. I tied her down to prevent her from reaching too high for stealth reasons. The #2 plant was bushier, shorter, slower to grow and flower but in the end had an excellent crop as well.
I had no problems with pests or mold, and did not see any nanners in any of my 2 purple maroc plants or in any others in the grow. I kept pots out of the heat and off hot tiles to prevent stress to the roots. I did not over- or underwater. My biggest purple maroc, the FIM'ed one shown in her decorative pot in the photo taken July 5, 2017, produced very long beautiful colas that were quite fluffy and slim.
There was stress in flowering, but not from heat, water, or light. The weight of the four ripening colas caused the main stem to split at the node where the plant was fimmed. I think this split in the stem resulted from excessive supercropping of the main stem. I patched the split with duct tape, but the stress to the plant from this split may have caused some self-pollination. In any event, I ended up with a few S1 seeds I am now growing out because this is very good weed.
Purple Maroc by Female Seeds is not "mostly indica" (which was incorrectly stated in the plant profile here on This is a sativa-dominant strain with long slender narrow leaves. Female Seeds confirmed to me it is a mostly sativa strain.
Effect is uplifting, energizing, long-lasting strong head high with mild body high and ends in a relaxing feeling. This ia a great strain for everyday daytime use.
Beautiful purple calyxes!
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Les profils de plantes uniques sur cette variété ont été téléchargés par : EngelderNacht, emeraldoetScuba
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