An image of Oil Slick

Oil Slick

élevé par Greenpoint Seeds

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Informations de base

Oil Slick is an indica / sativa from Greenpoint Seeds et peut être cultivé indoors, outdoors and greenhouse (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±75 jours) Greenpoint Seeds Oil Slick est seulement disponible en graines féminisées.

Description de Greenpoint Seeds

Oil Slick is a cross of Biodiesel and Purple Punch that combines some of the best flavors in cannabis. This cross will produce new phenotypes will a diverse array of characteristics from the genetic lineage of both parents. Oil Slick cannabis plants will be medium to tall in height and very robust with nice strong branches to support hearty resin and terpene packed colas. This is a great selection for all levels of growers to add to the garden. Oil Slick plants will need some support as they begin to produce chunky buds with sour lemon grape pie aromas. Hints of bleach from the Biodiesel will tickle your nose while the floral punch will tantalize your sense. The flavor of Oil Slick phenotypes will range from sour lemon skunk to a fruit cocktail. This is a great afternoon and evening variety that can pack a strong punch. Oil Slick is great for elevating your energy levels and mood. This is a perfect option for anyone looking for stress or anxiety relief. Be cautious however, too much Oil Slick can land you on the couch for hours.

Biodiesel Cannabis Genetics

Biodiesel is a cross of Sour Diesel, Sensi Star, Original Diesel, and NYC Diesel. This four-way cross is everything Diesel fanatics crave to have in the garden. Biodiesel won the Cannabis Cup in 2009 and there is no question why. This cultivar produces huge yields of massive chunky resin-soaked flower. The fan leaves and sugar leaves fade out to a perfect yellow and really make the lime green in the buds and the glimmer of the resin pop. The aromas from this cut are inviting and overwhelming. You are drawn in by the sourwood cleaner skunk aroma and then wowed by the intensity as your eyes might begin to water. The flavor of Biodiesel is everything you would imagine from combining three of the best Diesel cuts with Sensi Star. The sour gas and lemon skunk terpenes make this a lip-smacking favorite. Biodiesel is a great choice for daytime and evenings. This cultivar will give you zooming energy and an uplifting feeling of well-being and happiness.

GDP x Larry OG

Purple Punch is a cross of Granddaddy Purple and Larry OG. This phenomenal selection was bred by Supernova Gardens. Purple Punch produces perfect small dense flavorful buds that command the attention of everyone who comes across the strain. The floral and fruit aromas from Purple Punch are reminiscent of lavender and candy. The flavor is a twist of freshly baked fruit pie and tropical punch. This is a very easy cultivar to grow. The plants have almost no stretch and produce nice easy to trim purple buds. After cure and trimming, the buds from Purple Punch dazzle with a heavy amount of trichomes contrasting the purple and deep green colors of the flower. Purple Punch is a perfect afternoon choice that won’t be overpowering and will help you relax and enjoy the remainder of your day.

Oil Slick Strain

Oil Slick brings Biodiesel and Purple Punch together for a heavy yielding, resin packed, terpene fueled cross. The flowers from this cross will bring a whole new mix of terpenes to your garden. If you enjoy the classic Diesel flavors and aromas but also love grape and fruit flavors, don’t miss out of this cross of Biodiesel x Purple Punch.

Photo/Grow: @ weedmaps (2019)

Cannabis Type

Flowering Length
70-80 Days

Finishing Height

Recommended Growing Area
Indoor or Outdoor



Berry, Citrus, Fuel, Grape, Lemon, Pine, Sour

Blackberry, Earthy, Fruity, Fuel, Grape Gushers, Pine



Critiques sur Oil Slick

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Dégustation de Oil Slick

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Odeur / Arôme

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Comparaisons Oil Slick

How is Oil Slick growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Greenpoint Seeds' Oil Slick and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Greenpoint Seeds Oil Slick:

Hybrides & Croisements avec Oil Slick

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Oil Slick Commentaires des utilisateurs

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