An image of Moby Hash
An image of Moby Hash
An image of Moby Hash
An image of Moby Hash
An image of Moby Hash
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Moby Hash

élevé par Dinafem

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur Moby Hash de Dinafem. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Moby Hash à partir de Dinafem, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de base

Moby Hash is an mostly sativa from Dinafem et peut être cultivé indoors and outdoors (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±65 jours) Dinafem Moby Hash est seulement disponible en graines féminisées.

Description de Dinafem

The best known strain in our catalogue, it is also one of the strongest and very typical sativa.
It is the result of crossing the 2 best clones of our Mother Plants, a sativa with an indica. Moby Dick is our most psychoactive strain with a concentration of up to 21% THC and the presence of THCV, a substance present in equatorial sativas produced in response to the sun’s ultraviolet rays; this substance makes the effect of the THC stronger, to the point that the effect can be felt after just 2 or 3 puffs. The low CBO concentration helps to make the effect psychoactively intense and lasting; it speeds you up both physically and mentally and the come down is long, slightly physical and noticeable.

It produces great hunger and thirst, and it is advisable to eat and drink well, to counteract its effects. Due to this increase in appetite, it is recommended to treat the secondary effects of chemotherapy and anorexia. There are 2 main phenotypes for this cross, a dominant sativa which is present in 65% of the plants approximately, and the rest, that are usually smaller and faster.
The sativa phenotype has a wood, pine, incense aroma, and the indica type is sweeter.

To develop this strain to its full potential, it needs a lot of light, up to 800 watts per square metre and a very high E.C between 1.5 and 2.00 as this strain needs more feeding than most of the strains.

It is highly recommended to control the pH as well, making sure it does not exceed 6.5 otherwise it could demonstrate symptoms of iron deficiency in the form of progressive yellowing of the inter-venal spaces on the leaves and wrinkling on the tips of the leaflets. This defiCiency does not really affect the plant’s health but it could restrict the harvest if it is really serious.

Outdoors, full sun, plentiful soil and water and widely spacing the trees 3 m apart will ensure trees which grow to 3 m tall and a harvest of up to 1500 grams in optimal conditions. The flowering period is quite fast indoors (60/70 days), 15th October outdoors with good mould resistance inherited from the sativa parent plant.

Flowering period: 60-70 days
Harvest outdoors: From 10th to 25th October
T.H.C: Very High (16%·20%)
C.B.D: Low
Production: Very High
Height outdoors: Can reach 3.5 m
Blend: Sativa-Indica with Sativa dominance
Genotype: Haze X White Widow


Critiques sur Moby Hash

Phénotypes connus

Neuf jusqu'à présent (homogène ?). Ajoutez un phénotype ici.

Dégustation de Moby Hash

The seedfinder users tested Moby Hash and uploaded information about the of Dinafem' Moby Hash.


Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.

Odeur / Arôme

Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.


Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.

Comparaisons Moby Hash

How is Moby Hash growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Dinafem' Moby Hash and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Dinafem Moby Hash:

Moby Hash Lignée / Généalogie

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Hybrides & Croisements avec Moby Hash

Nous avons trouvé 0 descendants directs de Dinafem dans la base de données de, ici un bref aperçu. Pour voir tous les hybrides et leurs descendants, visitez notre Page Généalogie de Moby Hash et découvrez tous les descendants directs, les croisements comme ceux des générations suivantes.

Moby Hash Commentaires des utilisateurs

Ensemble, nous avons recueilli 0 à propos de Dinafem.

Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!

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Moby Hash VS. Formulaire de comparaison directe des déformations

Recension de Variété

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Valeurs Pharmaceutiques

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