Profil d'Plante Mikromachine (de Kannabia Seeds)
Ce profil d'usine a été généré par 1 profils uniques, en particulier grâce à : DeathDealer
Informations sur la croissance des plantes:
- Temps de Floraison (à l'intérieur)
Entre 165 et 165 jours (Moyenne : 165)
- Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±:stretchPourcentage Pourcentage
Initiale de floraison sur environ 45 cm. - Hauteur finale sur environ 80 cm.
- Comportement de croissance
Broussailleux, Comme un arbre de NoëletLentement
- De pousses latérales
beaucoup de
ainsi que
fort et vigoureux
- Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...sont tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
...besoin de beaucoup d'engrais.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...être dégoûté températures basses.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures élevées.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants.
...sont un bon choix pour la culture commerciale.
...devraient être soutenus dans la période de floraison.
...peuvent construire des fleurs en avant la période de croissance.
Récolte, Rendement, Goût, Arôme, force et efficacité
- Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette variété est des rendements incroyablement élevés et absolument optimaux
- Fleurs/Feuiller
Le rapport bourgeons/feuilles est de très bien
- La structure des fleurs
Les bourgeons séchés sont très moelleux et informel
Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.
Odeur / Arôme
Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.
Impression Générale
Mikromachine (Kannabia Seeds) (Indoor) est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 Points sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 !)
Information Additionnelle
DeathDealer dit
I only grew one of this strain, it was given as a freebie with an order. It took 5 months and a half from seedling (she did about 40-45 days of pure veg) and still hadn»t stopped growing fast when I harvested, but observation with a microscope (some milky heads some golden heads) convinced me it was ripe enough. I«m extremely satisfied with this strain but I»m pretty sure the addition of hormones and the unconventional light cycle caused the plant mature a lot slower but also to become bigger.
Final clean and dried weight was 306.5 Grams, or about 10.8 Oz, from a single plant. Whole plant with stalks weighted 1200 grams when cut at the base, after a week without fertilizer and 3 days without any water.
I used a Philips SON-T AGRO 400 W bulb with a Sonlight 400W digital ballast in a Cooltube. Supplemented with 1*85W 6500K and 1*150W CFL last month. Also added 1x26W and 1x13w Reptile 10.0 UV lamps last 2 weeks.
Light Cycle: 24/0 first couple of days, 20/6 for a couple of weeks, then 20/4 cycle till last month, switched to 18/6 and then 16/4 last month to speed up flowering
Atami soil: ATAMI ORGANIC-MIX then transplanted in ATAMI JANECOMIX
Atami nutes: Atami B«Cuzz Soil A+B, Roots Stimulator, Atazyme, P-K Booster 13-14, Bloom Stimulator
Other nutes and additives: biologic black molasses, pure Dipotassium Phosphate (K2HPO4) powder, honey, Fulvic Acid powder, a mix of Mychorrizae fungi
Plant Hormones: Sprayed several times with Triacontanol and Indole-3-acetic acid, custom concentrations. Triacontanol was also added a couple of times to the soil feed.
Other info: Sprayed leafs with plain water, very often, every day at first, then every few days. EC levels where tested many times a day with a Hanna HI-98331 EC soil meter and EC was kept between 1.2 and 2.2 at almost all times. The plant seemed to like 1.8-2.2 while flowering. Big fan leaves were cut a few single leafs every day to not stress the plant, and only after flowers were well formed. Plant was LSTed and seemed to respond well growing very long side branches covered in buds. All branches including the main stalk could not hold their own weight after 120 days.
The last 45 days it looked like it entered in a weird phase were every day you would find a new calyx layer on top of the previous, and flowers ended up with many small chains of calyxes dangling from them. Single calyxes where huge in size.
Although it looked weird, it tasted and smoked perfectly.
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