Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur Fruit Pump de PNW Cultivar. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Fruit Pump à partir de PNW Cultivar, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!
Fruit Pump is an indica / sativa from PNW Cultivar et peut être cultivé indoors (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±63 jours) PNW Cultivar Fruit Pump est Not CBD rich sont / étaient aussi disponible en graines féminisées.
Lemon Cherry Gelato - Backpack Boyz - Clone acquired 2024 - In late 2019, Backpackboyz' Lemon Cherry Gelato became an almost instant hit across the US after being sold at a Cookies dispensary in Los Angeles. Ever since, Lemon Cherry Gelato has become a household name across the US and Canada, as well as gaining popularity among smokers in other parts of the world. In 2021, the strain won 2nd Place in the Medical Category at the High Times Medical Cup in Michigan. Lemon Cherry Gelato is a high-potency cannabis variety brought about by a cross of two world-renowned strains; Sunset Sherbet and Girl Scout Cookies. While THC levels may vary from one batch of seeds to another, Lemon Cherry Gelato typically produces up to 25% THC! Combined with a rich concentration of terpenes (predominantly caryophyllene, limonene, and humulene), Lemon Cherry Gelato flowers can produce intense effects almost immediately.
Lemon Diesel - Emeral Triangle - From Seed - This indica-heavy OG cross was created by backcrossing an early OG x 3 into our California Sour (Mexican Sativa x Afghan) mother. (Pakistani x Lemon Thai x Chemdawg #4) x California Sour. The result is a pungent, diesel-dominated beauty with immense potency and flavor. Infrastructure development is relatively symmetrical, allowing for three or four separate terminal colas, even in tight spaces. Well-suited to sea of green and SCROG. Be patient toward the end, as Lemon Diesel fills in tremendously in the last couple of weeks. The gasoline-dominant flavor and aroma are complemented by strong notes of citrus and pepper. The high creeps up on you, relaxing body and mind, allowing you to focus on a task or gradually assisting your journey to dreamland. This plant has superb quality and yield when grown indoor and outdoor. This finished in the Top Ten at the 2010 Emerald Cup, the most competitive cannabis competitions in America.
The resulting selection represented a balance of both genetics. While the bud structure and the nose leaned into the Lemon Diesel parentage, the influence of the LCG can be seen over structure of the plant and the taste really has a lot of the LCG shining through.
Generations produced:
F1, S1
Fruit Pump x Pink Glizzy
Fruit Pump x KJ5
Fruit Pump x Ozukuri
Fruit Pump x Caribbean Breeze
Fruit Pump x Jungle Butter
Fruit Pump x 1911
Fruit Pump x Tropicanna x Cookies N Cream
Fruit Pump x RS11
Fruit Pump x Special P (Purple Urkle x Mendo Breath x Dosidos)
Fruit Pump x Passion Punch BX
Fruit Pump x KJ2
Fruit Pump x Rozay
Fruit Pump x Super Buff Cherry
How is Fruit Pump growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with PNW Cultivar' Fruit Pump and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).
PNW Cultivar Fruit Pump:Nous avons trouvé 0 descendants directs de PNW Cultivar dans la base de données de seedfinder.eu, ici un bref aperçu. Pour voir tous les hybrides et leurs descendants, visitez notre Page Généalogie de Fruit Pump et découvrez tous les descendants directs, les croisements comme ceux des générations suivantes.
Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!
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Nos critiques de variétés sont multilingues, consultables et peuvent être très détaillées - y compris des données sur la culture, l'arôme, les effets et le goût ! S'il vous plaît téléchargez votre avis Fruit Pump ici pour aider les autres utilisateurs de Seedfinder !
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