An image of Engineers Dream

Engineers Dream

élevé par Breeders Boutique

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur Engineers Dream de Breeders Boutique. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Engineers Dream à partir de Breeders Boutique, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de base

Engineers Dream is an indica / sativa from Breeders Boutique et peut être cultivé indoors and outdoors (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±67 jours) Breeders Boutique Engineers Dream n'est/n'a jamais été disponible en graines féminisées.

Description de Breeders Boutique

We were lucky enough to be given a clone of the Casey Jones High Times Cannabis Cup entry from Devils Harvest Seeds. Taking third place in the HTCC was a bit of an underestimation of the greatness of this cross, in our opinion. It has vigour, a short flowering period, a complex set of aromas (sour, sweet, herby, floral) and it is a really easy plant to grow.

It is a relatively hungry beast but, in our experience, tells you just before it is finishing that it has had enough. The fan leaves start yellowing as it sucks up the energy in a thirsty race to finish itself off. The DPQ male that we have used for our DPQ F2's just adds the most amazing amount of trichomes to anything you cross it with. With the Casey Jones already being very resinous and frosty, with the benefits of the DPQ's genetics added to the fray we knew we were going to end up with something special.

Although the Casey Jones has really nice finishing colours (reds, purples, dark greens), if left outside to finish with sufficient temperature drops (15 degree plus), when cured the bud will still be the traditional colur without those purple tinges to it. With adding the DPQ into the mix there is now a natural Purple pheno of the Engineers' Dream as well as a more traditional Casey-leaning pheno. Bud calyxes on the phenos just explode with growth towards the end, creating large dome-like calyxes that protrude out of the bud, making them look like some sort of medieval weapon. Excellent yielders with time to veg and also if put into flower from 12/12 (the flowering ladies will produce more than 1 oz each in this method - SOG).

The high from the Purple pheno again is energetic but also narcotic, whereas the Casey-leaning pheno with more autumn colours to the finished product evokes a high that will have you giggling and laughing without being sure of why you started. The Engineers' Dream has deep flavours with all the genetics having their own little stamp on the taste and smell. The Casey pheno is sweeter on the nose and the darker pheno has more sour and deep spicy tones. A plant that will be sure to power your Engine either way.

Sex: Regular F3
Genetics: Casey Jones (OG Thai, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel) x DPQ (Deep Purple x Querkle)
Flowering Time: 9-10 weeks
Outdoor Harvest: Sept/Oct
Height: Medium - Tall
THC Level: High
Characteristics: Energetic and euphoric high but with excellent pain relief for people who need to get things done (muscle pains, back pains, arthritis)


Critiques sur Engineers Dream

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Dégustation de Engineers Dream

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Odeur / Arôme

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Comparaisons Engineers Dream

How is Engineers Dream growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Breeders Boutique' Engineers Dream and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Breeders Boutique Engineers Dream:

Engineers Dream Lignée / Généalogie

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Hybrides & Croisements avec Engineers Dream

Nous avons trouvé 0 descendants directs de Breeders Boutique dans la base de données de, ici un bref aperçu. Pour voir tous les hybrides et leurs descendants, visitez notre Page Généalogie de Engineers Dream et découvrez tous les descendants directs, les croisements comme ceux des générations suivantes.

Engineers Dream Commentaires des utilisateurs

Ensemble, nous avons recueilli 0 à propos de Breeders Boutique.

Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!

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Engineers Dream VS. Formulaire de comparaison directe des déformations

Recension de Variété

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Valeurs Pharmaceutiques

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