An image of Durban Magic

Durban Magic

élevé par Seeds of Africa

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur Durban Magic de Seeds of Africa. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Durban Magic à partir de Seeds of Africa, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de base

Durban Magic is an sativa from Seeds of Africa et peut être cultivé indoors and outdoors (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±91 jours) Seeds of Africa Durban Magic n'est/n'a jamais été disponible en graines féminisées.

Description de Seeds of Africa

Durban Magic is harvested in the valley of 1000 hills, an area named after the thousands of lush green hills that tumble down to the raging Umgeni river. The plant thrives on foothills, near winding rivers, fed by the continuous spray of water from plunging waterfalls and nurtured by the dappled light that gleams through the canopy of dense surrounding forest. Plentiful sugar cane and banana grow close by and a vast amount of wildlife live here including many insects, snakes and birds including the Crowned Eagle which is Africa’s largest raptor.

Bushbuck, Wildebeest, Rhino, Giraffe and many species of Antelope can also all be seen in this area of Africa. This pure subtropical Sativa develops large, super resinous buds that pulse with an intense lime green colour, with flashes of orange and purple. This particular strain is considered sacred by the indigenous tribe; the mighty Zulus, who are a highly decorated and traditional people-wearing the skins of their kills and beaded jewellery on their wrists and arms.

They are world renowned for their fearsome reputation as warriors of ancient times and can trace their roots back to some of the most prolific warriors in history. The tight dense bud is cured locally in their huts- hung upside down until cured and, once dried, it exudes a very strong fruity-Thai flavour and smell. This cured bud is then consumed in pipes made from wood, or more traditionally, bone or horn. The Zulus say that this plant gives warriors great strength before battle, inducing pure Sativa euphoria and super-amplified senses, and also allows tribesman to act as the animal on a hunt. Trimmed leaf is not discarded but normally used for making teas or infusions and can induce a trance like state, allowing one to feel completely connected to nature and to achieve the highest state of consciousness known to mankind.


Critiques sur Durban Magic

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Dégustation de Durban Magic

The seedfinder users tested Durban Magic and uploaded information about the of Seeds of Africa' Durban Magic.


Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.

Odeur / Arôme

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Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.

Comparaisons Durban Magic

How is Durban Magic growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Seeds of Africa' Durban Magic and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Seeds of Africa Durban Magic:

Durban Magic Lignée / Généalogie

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Hybrides & Croisements avec Durban Magic

Nous avons trouvé 0 descendants directs de Seeds of Africa dans la base de données de, ici un bref aperçu. Pour voir tous les hybrides et leurs descendants, visitez notre Page Généalogie de Durban Magic et découvrez tous les descendants directs, les croisements comme ceux des générations suivantes.

Durban Magic Commentaires des utilisateurs

Ensemble, nous avons recueilli 0 à propos de Seeds of Africa.

Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!

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Durban Magic VS. Formulaire de comparaison directe des déformations

Recension de Variété

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Valeurs Pharmaceutiques

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