Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur De Grape Trainwreck #5 de Bean Boyz Genetics. Si vous recherchez des informations sur De Grape Trainwreck #5 à partir de Bean Boyz Genetics, consultez notre : Informations de base, Galerie, Dégustation, Trophées, Recensions, Comparaisons Directes, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires de l'utilisateur, pour cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les télécharger des liens pour les télécharger dans la base de données!
De Grape Trainwreck #5 is an indica / sativa from Bean Boyz Genetics et peut être cultivé indoors and outdoors (Là où les plantes auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±60 jours) Bean Boyz Genetics De Grape Trainwreck #5 n'est/n'a jamais été disponible en graines féminisées.
By crossing excellent cannabis strains Chem Valley Kush and Purple Wreck the guys at Bean Boyz Genetics produced a superb hybrid marijuana strain called DeGrape Trainwreck #5. This perfectly balanced sativa and indica hybrid can be grown indoor and outdoor and even beginners can indulge in growing it as long as the fundamentals of marijuana cultivation are followed. It will grow with a purple colour especially the stems that going to be covered also with TH crystals. Flowering time can be expected once it reaches 8 weeks on the average. It grows short and therefore highly manageable and perfect for an indoor growing set-up. It will produce potent buds with good amount of THC content as well as rich resin production. The taste when smoked is sharp, hazy with lip-smackin goodness that will immediately translate to a balanced high and stoned feeling characterized by its balanced sativa and indica genetics.
I’ve grown all kinds of “Train Wreck” strains, while understanding that T.W. has been crossed with many other strains, thus one can never be totally sure of what cut is behind what he’s working with. I found one called, “Purple Train Wreck” from the awesome crew at DNA (Donnie& Aaron, Kat, Kim) which by way of good karma landed at me mailbox.
DNA’s “Purple Train Wreck” is “Purple Urkle” X “TrainWreck” (not the Arcata cut). I began working with them seeing what becomes of such infamous herb when given the opportunity of Free Range growing. I call the out-doors, “Free Range,” because it is grown in many different, far harsher conditions, rather than in a cage-type room with timers, artificial lights, fans. This is also referred to by me from time to time as “Organic Growing” causing confusion by some peeps that read by writings. Wind driven pollen is considered, “Organic Pollination” by many breeders. Me too.
The Mamma: She caught my eye from her get go with her sexy purple stems and exotic leaf formation, including her alluring color of richest emerald green. She was 1 of 15 plants, but stood out in her ability be noticed (like most wonderful women). By early spring she was ready for cloning, then put into a 5 gallon, white bucket (I love’m) and set with the rest of the ‘011 grow. In the free range many things can and do go wrong , , but, and this is important, with the hardships that are placed on the herb growing FR, the resins are IMHO some of the tastiest that can be grown.
(Back Story: Hardship improves the final product. I first noticed this when living in Negril, Jamaica in the 80’s, or, it was brought to my attention by Dread growers I was acquainted with. I saw huge buds covered in crystals being consumed by 95% of the visitors. It is grown huge in the wet morass. It sucked big time in my way of smoking Dank. On a 10 point, it was a weak 4. The “Boom” that I was smoking comes from a south sloping hill that gets little water called, Orange Hill; the plants are scrawny never reaching 2 foot tall. Hardly half an oz on each one. I was paying 100$ US for an oz. in the 80’s. A 9 on a 10 point. Un-Fuc’n believeable. I wrote a story for Heads Mag detailing this weed. None better. Sorry to digress.)
She grew short, not tall and with a scent that is unusual. She reeked. I moved her closer to the deck so I could enjoy smell’n/watch’n her as the days went slowly by. Okay what did she smell like? Pungent, Hazy, Bright Lemon. I loved she was so short, but I had Super Cropped her like hell, as I do all me ladies. In flowering her buds were well shaped and dense , , she’s ready. Seeds take 36- 45 dayz to mature, so I wanted to be sure her beanz were going to be fully mature by summer’s end. This can get tricky. I’ve learned the hardest ways!
The Daddy: This came easy for me as long as she was already so odorific, I went with my ChemValley kush male (Chem DX SFV OGK V.11). He’s proven to create some impressive offspring, and mix’n his genes with the PW#5 would give me an opportunity to discover what these two amazing strains in one combo will gel like. Breeding isn’t math, but does contain loads of “theory” about what might be the outcomes of crossing cannabis strains. I have a strong feeling that this is going to be a whopper!
Male: ChemValley Kush ( Chem D X SFV OGK V.11)
Female: Purple Wreck (Purple Urkle X Train Wreck)
Height: 4-5 feet, Xmas tree shaped, loves super crop'n. D.O.P.(Depending on Pheno)
Weight: 4-6 ozs, depending on skills, luck
THC: Higher, super resin production
Scent/taste: Sharp, Hazy, Pungent, Lip Smack’n
Bud Density: Nice tight, loads of crystal Purple Stems
Flowering: 8-9 weeks, DOP (Depending on Pheno)
Sativa/Indica: 50/50
How is De Grape Trainwreck #5 growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Bean Boyz Genetics' De Grape Trainwreck #5 and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).
Bean Boyz Genetics De Grape Trainwreck #5:Nous avons trouvé 0 descendants directs de Bean Boyz Genetics dans la base de données de seedfinder.eu, ici un bref aperçu. Pour voir tous les hybrides et leurs descendants, visitez notre Page Généalogie de De Grape Trainwreck #5 et découvrez tous les descendants directs, les croisements comme ceux des générations suivantes.
Unluckily not one of this comments is in fr!
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