Profil d'Plante Blue Berry (de Spliff Seeds)
Ce profil d'usine a été généré par 5 profils uniques, en particulier grâce à : DelicateSounds, TheKweker, Paterdewiet, DeathcounteretRonson
Informations sur la croissance des plantes:
- Temps de Floraison (à l'intérieur)
Entre 54 et 79 jours (Moyenne : 61)
- Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±:stretchPourcentage Pourcentage
Initiale de floraison sur environ 20 cm. - Hauteur finale sur environ 100 cm.
- Comportement de croissance
Broussailleux, Comme un arbre de Noël, VigoureuxetBalèze
- De pousses latérales
extrêmement nombreux
ainsi que
fort et vigoureux
- Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
- besoin pas de beaucoup d'engrais.
...sont un bon choix pour la culture commerciale.
...construisent de nombreuses et épaisses sommités branches sur le côté.
...répondent bien à la habillage de la tige principale.
...être dégoûté températures basses.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures élevées.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Indica.
...peuvent étroite plantées ensemble.
...sont sensibles à la moisissure.
...sont bien adaptés pour la ScroG (Screen of Green).
...devraient être soutenus dans la période de floraison.
- sont pas tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
...sont bien adaptés pour la espace très faibles.
Récolte, Rendement, Goût, Arôme, force et efficacité
- Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette variété est très haut
- Fleurs/Feuiller
Le rapport bourgeons/feuilles est de au dessus de la moyenne
- La structure des fleurs
Les bourgeons séchés sont dur et compact
- Puissance / Effet durable
L'herbe est très solide et durable
- Construit tolérance
éducation à la tolérance très lente
Odeur / Arôme
Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.
Impression Générale
Blue Berry (Spliff Seeds) (Indoor) est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 Points sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 !)
Information Additionnelle
DelicateSounds dit
Very nice plant and rather easy to grow as they don't need too much nutrients: On coco an EC-value of 1.2 during growth, increase to 1.4 on switch and 1.7 during PK 13/14 week did the trick. Any higher values would've led to nute-burn.
I cultivated 3 plants from seeds with a growing period of three weeks, which gave me 264 grams of very nice compact buds. I had to harvest a bit early because of a upcoming heatwave so it could've been a tad bit more I guess though I'm still very happy with the result.
The taste, a bit like Fruitella cassis (dutchies will know what I'm talking about), and smell are great (carbon filter wasn't sufficient to neutralize the smell during last 3 weeks).
As for medicinal value: I use it to treat my insomnia and it works great; I get 8 hours of straight sleep from smoking about 1.5 grams pure during the evening. Only downside is waking up a bit foggy but after a nice cup of coffee that's all gone.
Paterdewiet dit
I really enjoyed growing this strain, very easy to grow plant
I’ll let it grow for over four weeks and I made it screen of green of it
This train is very good for a screen of green.
.. i have a tent of 0,66m2 and harvested 220 gram of dried bud..
The smell and taste is so nice, its much better then most of the weed in de Coffeeshops here in the Netherlands
The Blue Berry taste is really amazing and its one of my favorite weed...
Im gonna grow this strain again!!
Ronson dit
Although i am a novice grower, i didnt have to much difficulties with this straign from Spliff Seeds.
All of the 5 seeds geminated in 48 hours with no problems at all. Once planted, all the seeds where above gound in 48-72 hours. Mine where very close together. This straign has quit a vigorous growing stage, making internode after internode. A very bushy straign like a good indica straign should be. And it is good straign for super cropping or scrogging. I grew this straign indoor. Indoor this straign didnt exceed the 80 cm in height. During flowering stage this straign will make big buds. I’m quit pleased with this straign, during the foweringstage my PH measuring device slowly died on me. Result a PH disturbance in my soil. Still i got a big yield at the end. So although this might be a more difficult straign to grow. I found it a quit forgiving and sturdy straign.I yielded my plants after 61 days floweringstage. Taste fruity and sweet, a serious stoner. Very very tasty.
TheKweker dit
Not easy to grow, need some experience to grow this flower
Short indica with compact buds, very stable.
Grows fast in the vegetation stage because of this flowering stage is shorter.
Plant has healthy and strong appearance, big yield
Taste is fruity and very sweet. The stoned last long.
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Les profils de plantes uniques sur cette variété ont été téléchargés par : DelicateSounds, TheKweker, Paterdewiet, DeathcounteretRonson
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