Profil d'Plante Afghani Gold (de Spliff Seeds)
Ce profil d'usine a été généré par 3 profils uniques, en particulier grâce à : Greenmine, groenevingeretButler420
Informations sur la croissance des plantes:
- Temps de Floraison (à l'intérieur)
Entre 60 et 60 jours (Moyenne : 60)
- Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±:stretchPourcentage Pourcentage
Initiale de floraison sur environ 50 cm. - Hauteur finale sur environ 120 cm.
- Comportement de croissance
Comme un arbre de Noël, BroussailleuxetVigoureux
- De pousses latérales
un nombre moyen
longueur moyenne à longue
ainsi que
très fort et vigoureux
- Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...sont tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures basses.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures élevées.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Indica.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants.
...devraient être soutenus dans la période de floraison.
- besoin pas de beaucoup de soins.
- besoin pas de beaucoup d'engrais.
- sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques.
...sont bien adaptés pour la espace très faibles.
...sont un bon choix pour la culture commerciale.
...construisent de nombreuses et épaisses sommités branches sur le côté.
...peuvent construire des fleurs en avant la période de croissance.
Récolte, Rendement, Goût, Arôme, force et efficacité
- Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette variété est super
- Fleurs/Feuiller
Le rapport bourgeons/feuilles est de pic absolu
- La structure des fleurs
Les bourgeons séchés sont dur et compact
- Puissance / Effet durable
L'herbe est très solide et durable
- Construit tolérance
éducation à la tolérance très lente
Odeur / Arôme
Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.
Aucune donnée disponible pour cette souche.
Impression Générale
Afghani Gold (Spliff Seeds) (Indoor) est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 Points sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 !)
Information Additionnelle
Greenmine dit
Afghani Gold (Spliff Seeds)
First i want to say, that Spliff Seeds was one of those breeders, who use a great Marketing to get on focus on their Products. The most positive argument for me was, that they have just a hand full of Strains. So they took a lot of time in selecting and stabilizing their strains! I prefer stabilized Genetics instead a big Menu with all kind of new strains and funky stuff.
Why did I choose Afghani Gold?
Well lets see .. I did a lot of research about my very first own grow so I wanted do find the exactly medical and also (“easy for beginner”) strain for my personal use. I knew that Indica is one way to help my anxiety and ADHD so I searched a good yielder.
So first I was amazed about the cool logo on the Seedpack with their meerkat. And they also send me some testers which is not usual for a new client. I had a great feeling about that.
Beans popped easy after 3 days in wet paper and they came to live after 2 days in earth without any issues! The Seedlings look beautiful and very healthy. I didn’t gave them to much nutrients at the start, which was maybe not necessary but I just wanted to get sure they will be fine.
I started to give nutrients after 2 Weeks and as I can say she grows very fast and bushy with a huge main Cola in the middle. Its just like a bushy Christmas Tree with a few sidebranches. I fimmed her one time and the recover was fast. She deals good with high stress training and can also be used for Sea Of Green (motherplant) as well.
The leafes look like a typical indica plant with the dark colour and some of them can be so huge! (lots of fanleaves)
I don’t know how it happened but I think I had something really special on one plant! The main stem divided into two main stems which I had never seen before. That’s why I called her “Twin Tower”
as I said before there a lot of bushy leafes. So its very important to defolate this strain and make sure the light is reaching trough all the branches. I started to maximize my nutrients dosing and had no issues. She is very rough against over/under-fertilization.
The stretch was easy to handle but you should give them space on the sides because its getting bushy and you will create a rain forest If u don’t have enough space. Plant height - Indoor 0.80-1.20 meters
It’s a fast growing strain which needs about 60 Days not even longer. The most powerful thing about this strain is the budstructure growing on all branches from the bottom to the top! Every single branch was fully covered in a bud. Great Yields (more about that later on)
The Buds looks extremely white in the first weeks which allways reminds me on my first plant I have ever seen (white widow). Later on they have this extrem shiny green with shiny orange hairs and and this typical oldschoo look
Harvest / Yield / Flavour
Theres nothing more to say. She is a GREAT YIELDER!
I got 3 oz (about 90 grams) from one Plant! You will get pleased with a stunning smell of citrony afghani mountain flavor. Very delicious to smoke and reminds me a bit on that oldschool afghan strains I smoked in my early days. Combined with some citron sunny Limonelle and Myrcene Terpens it’s a perfect combination and an absolutely must grow Strain!
The High / Medical Effects
First I can say… get your shit done before you smoke this strain! Its an absolute Couchlocking – Body Massage Strain which make your couch turning into a cloud which flies you from planet to planet. I had some easy euphoria effects at the beginning but the high turns very fast in a “enormous chill mode”. Perfect after a hard working day or to relax muscles and body. Don’t assume the nearly 20% THC in this strain.
It works great for my ADHD and makes me truly calmed and balanced. Sometimes I feel a bit slower but that’s up to your personality. Im sure it’s a great medical treatment against insomnia.
What can I say? I truly love it and will definetly grow it again. Its already one of my favourites and ill hope this one will be aviable all the time @Spliffseeds
Main Arguments:
Bud Structure!!!
MUCH LOVE from an Undercover Grower of the
Greenmine Crew
Butler420 dit
Don't leave it too long if growing in a humid / basement style environment. 8 weeks and not a day more is required!
groenevinger dit
Had this plants for my second indoor grow (10years ago)! First time i used a PH & EC meter :) real difference! I think this plants can take lot's of beginners mistakes.. it's very stong and keeps goinig. Very Indica like with some skunk influences, quitte a good yielder seed my pic. High is very narcotic an couchlocking. Would grow again in future.
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Les profils de plantes uniques sur cette variété ont été téléchargés par : Greenmine, groenevingeretButler420
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