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Revue de la banque de graines Seeds Here Now

Seeds Here Now
Paiement par Argent, Cheques, Bitcoins
Situé dans US

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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 7
Vitesse de livraison 7.8
Service client 9.75
Impression Générale 8.18 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 7 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

Seeds Here Now is listed as "green" at the SeedFinder. This means que nous ne pouvons absolument recommander cette banque de semences.

Recension de Variété

invitéjuillet 2023

La qualite du produit 7
Vitesse de livraison 9
Service client 10

Received a sealed pack of seeds 4 days after I ordered them. 2 of 3 seeds were obviously immature. Emailed company & 'Becky' was very nice offering my choice of a resend of same strain or a credit towards a future purchase. I hesitated but went with the same strain. Replacement pack received & they look good. Can't wait to get them going as well as the freebies of Lilac Diesel. I've ordered from them 1/2 dozen times over a few years with all seeds germinating so far & that 3rd seed grew to be an awesome Pineapple Runtz Autoflower from Ethos Genetics. I'm happy in my experience dealing with Seedsherenow.


inviténovembre 2022

Vitesse de livraison 4

My expensive seed order had a non-germination rate of 6 out of 7 (Blood Honey) 2 out of 3 (Good Time) and 4 out of 6 (Durban Poison). Real crap since I have 20+ years of experience using water or HOCL for germination. SHN said they would replace (one free pack) weeks after contacting them several times. They issued a credit instead of just sending replacement seeds. However their WAAVE bank system refuses to let me use the credit and SHN have been passive agressive trash to deal with pointing fingers at WAAVE - funny since my credit exceeds the price of a single replacement pack. I have a big unusable credit with them. Do not trust them they are grifters. BTW the seeds I bought from another company to replace this mistake had an 8 out of 10 success rate - same methods used for germination.


invitéfévrier 2022

Service client 10

Huge disappointment refused to honor replacement gear failed to germinate.


invitéavril 2021

La qualite du produit 4
Vitesse de livraison 7

Got 6 seeds as ordered. 3 sprouted and 2 lived. Waiting on customer service reply or action at this time.


invitéavril 2021

seedsherenow is a joke have had my payment for 20 days and yet to process and since i sent a money order to do a stop payment and refund it may take upto 30 days and since tracking was screwed all i have is an email that says they received it, as of today im not counting on get my $170 back


invitéseptembre 2018

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Yup I 3 freebie seeds as well. But did have a problem and they fixed it promptly.


invitéavril 2020

Vitesse de livraison 9
Service client 9

carry decent selection of american breeders,competitive prices,not many freebies. 3 tracked orders received. no problems


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