Revue de la banque de graines Hybrids From Hell

Hybrids From Hell
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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 9.88
Vitesse de livraison 9.63
Service client 9.43
Impression Générale 9.64 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 8 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

Hybrids From Hell is listed as "offline" at the SeedFinder. This means Ce site / boutique ne fonctionne pas pour le moment!.

Recension de Variété

invitéavril 2016

La qualite du produit 9
Vitesse de livraison 10

Dont know what your all moaning about. these are excellent for uk outdoor, especially in the wild damp west, they do like shelter from the harsh wind but compared to any of the indoor stuff which lets face it, the slugs love, is too juicy and goes mouldy whereas if you get these danish girls at the right time is as good as any indoor/nucleur crop and all it costs is a few bags of good compo (i like a min of 6 to 8 * 80lts chucked straight on the ground in a pile with the girl on top.. . No bells and whistles says alot for me plus the prices are real. The seed boys are a scam considering you can get at least 20000 seeds from 1 plant. although ive done the dgold, had a few phenotypes but all similar smellish, some bigger than others and they all finished before the September solstice(most idoor only start at this point) so suggests theyre fairly stable but not guaranteed. had one dark green really tall and fox taily, the rest were similar nice short squirrels, sticky even in shit weather. saying that weed is an open pollinator and my own seed i usually stage/trait select 20 or so from a few thousand and every year im amazed. try an keep cuttings of the best through winter for the next year. . grew my first outdoor 38years ago when nobody was growing under sodiums or heard of hydro and only had a year out. been there done it all. lets hope we have some sun and fun in 2018 aye


invitéseptembre 2017

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Kann bisher echt nur positives sagen. Seeds zwar noch nicht keimen lassen, da Outdoor schon Saisonende ist. Aber super Preis/Leistungsverhältnis und guter Kundensupport + gab gut Bonusseeds...


invitémai 2016

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 9
Service client 10

Diskreter und zügiger Versand, viele Bonusseeds, guter Mailkontakt und ein unschlagbarer Preis. Für die nördlichen Grower ist HfH die erste Wahl - gute Keimrate der regulären Samen, exakter Erntezeitpunkt und das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis auf dem gesamten Markt. Eigene Kreuzungen mit den Samen sind sehr zu empfehlen. Hervorzuheben ist die sehr gute Schimmelresistenz sämtlicher Sorten, wo andere Sorten längst vergammelt wären, trotzen die Hybriden aus der Hölle sämtliches nordeutsches Schietwetter. Seit Jahren sehr zufrieden!


invitéfévrier 2015

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

After 4 Day from order, i got my Beans! Esben is a very friendly Guy, so the Email contact was very good. He only sells regular Seeds what i realy like. I order Monk,Wild4 and 1, Wild White, Wild Super07, SSSDH x Hashplant 2, Leb27 V2. His Strains are good for growing up in the north, so in my opinion HfH is the best Shop with low Prices for nordic Regions. Keep going with ur great work Esben! Greetz WestsideGrower


invitédécembre 2014

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 9
Service client 9

Some of the best outdoor varieties in the world, but why arent their strains catalogued here?


invitéavril 2014

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Excellent service, seeds , and great genetics super wild 07


invitémars 2014

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 9
Service client 7

Bought HFH on seedbay several times. Bought on HFH website, asked question, no email answer. Order arrived. GREAT genetics. Esbe needs to work on communicating with purchasers. Would order again, however.


invitéfévrier 2014

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

100% satisfacton,perfect seller and good price


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