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Dutch Passion is listed as "orange" at the SeedFinder. This means que vous devez etre prudent avec cette boutique! Certains problemes sont connus, peut-etre que pour le moment, mais vous devriez jeter un oeil de plus pres avant de vous envisagez de passer commande ici. Cette entreprise est inscrite en tant que eleveur au SeedFinder...
Order arrived in reasonable time, all seeds germinated so far. No problems!
not satisfied at all with all seeds that I got from DP(around 300) in two consecutive years! gave a second try this year but regretted immensely. some seeds didn't germinate some didn't survive few days after and many pre flowered. out of 150 seeds this year only around 15 made thrue and are out vegetating. This has been mentioned to the main supervisor Mahmoud, that it has some influencies with my own experience growing out doors, weather conditions in South America and selection of genetics, but nothing was done. not a single suggestion nor word about it. well thank you for being a part of down year trying to grown medicinal cannabis for patients in need.
I ordered a pack of 3 THC Victory Auto seeds, which arrived after 9 days.
They were planted with a Melonade Runtz Freebie and 3 Sensi's Hindu Kushs, all automatics.
While the melonade runtz and hindu kush started flowering after a month, the three THC Victory showed no signs of flowering.
Now three months later, the other strains are harvested while the thc victory still shows no sign of flowering.
All strains should be ready to harvest after three months from seed.
Dutch passion didn't sent me the genetic, they offered and didn't behave responsible.
This was the first and last order from dutch passion.
I sent an email for clarification including pictures.
The support told me, that different strains have different flowering times and didn't refund.
Aktuelle Lieferzeit innerhalb 1 Woche nach DE
Hier bestelle ich seit 20 Jahren meine Outdoorseeds.
Ich war immer zufrieden
Ordered 3 fem strawberry cough.
One didn't pop, the other grew into a huge plant of useless hemp. Absolutely no trichomes after 12 weeks. I didn't bother with the last seed. Too bad. I've grown other strains from them that were better. However, in my opinion their quality control has gone way down hill. There are too many other great breeders to bother with DP again.
They don't offer quality any more. The seeds didn't looks like potent as others I got from small private breeders or my own one.
Buying any seeds is easy to handle, a lot of payments are there. Shipping within 1 day.
Really nice package, but then... You will scream, when you find the little bad looking seeds.
Example of 3 Skywalker Haze, only 1 is growing. (only 30% high price, looks bad under good conditions)
Save your money, which you're working hard for.
Don't buy here. I only see a big fancy marketing, which is financed by all your spendings there.
ordered 3 passionfruit fem seeds, two popped and one goes hermy with very little stress, it looks like a fault in replenishing blood line or un-stabilized genetics but i shouldn't speculate.
Der letzte Laden 1 Bestellung , nie geliefert. Nach Reklamation Ersatz Lieferung 8 hochpreisige Samen bestellt . Seiz 8 Jahren Erfahrung wie was geht. Nur 3 Keimlinge dazu noch mikerig. Kunden Service unter aller Sau Wochenlang hin gehalten kein Ersatz. Nicht zu Empfehlen.
Of the 14 Auto Durban Poison seeds I ordered not a single one germinated! I have never experienced anything like this before, and will never order from them again.
Ne surtout pas acheter de graines. Skunk11 sont toutes devenus hermaphrodite après 6 semaines de flo. Le service après vente m'a fait remplir des tonnes d'email, pour ensuite me conseiller d'enlever toutes les bananes mâles.... Zero dédommagement, malgré toutes les preuves photographiées...
J'ai perdu environ 1000 euro.... Je ne le souhaite à personne
Habe die Samen vor 5 Wochen bestellt und sofort bezahlt. Die Ware ist aber nie bei mir angekommen
Hello , un petit mot de recommandations sur ce site , ou j achète des graines depuis longtemps, je n ai jamais eu aucun problème, avec la poste, envoie rapide et discret.
Le génétique est toujours au rendez-vous, bien sûr, il faut un peu d expérience et de feeling pour que ça pousse ! Mais au final quel joie de pouvoir fumer le soir, son joint..! La qualité chez duch , je n ai jamais étais déçu ! ..bye
J'ai voulu essayer les'' automatique'' et je vous ai acheté un pack d'essai 3 auto trial pack, mais les graines ne germent pas !!! C'est la première fois que ça m'arrive et j'ai 65 ans. Vous m'avez, à cette occasion, offert une graine auto de skywalker haze qui elle a germé et est très bonne. La orange bud aussi pousse très bien. Problèmes avec les emballages ??
Delays do to covid but it was explained beforehand. Prices were the best. The stealth packaging was the best I have ever seen. Lots of freebies due to the shipping delays. Will be going back to these guys!
I ordered a pack of 10 outlaw amnesia that remained unopened in a cool dark place for a few months until germination. Of the 10 only five every sprouted and only one of the five actually had two cotyldon leaves. The others were runty and weak and eventually succumbed to my first case of spider mites in what was my 8th grow. They performed worse than bag seed.
Ordered 10 non-feminized seeds of Dutch Passions Shaman cultivar. I sprouted 5, with the intention to breed an F2 of it with any males in case I liked it. Two weeks into flowering, I had 2 males, and 3 non-induced hermaphrodites!!! Rest of the room consisted of a strain Ive personally developed, as well as some Purpetrator by Archive Seeds, Royal Queens Amnesia Haze, Super Lemon Haze by Greenhouse, a miscellaneous Lemon Skunk, and Ayahuasca Purple by Barneys Farm. No herms in any of them, so its clearly an issue with this stock. I understand that hermaphroditism is a characteristic of the species, but this many in such a small set of sprouts suggests to me that they had a natural herm, and either knowingly or unknowingly sold the seed. If it was unknowing, then their quality control is poor. If it was knowing, then their ethics are suspect. Either way, I wont take a chance again.
I got 5 durban poison seeds , put 3 of them in a cup of wather and after 24h they all germined one of them started to grow super fast but wehad a drought and the growing was inhibited , one stayed very small for like a month then started to grow but slpwly and yelded just about 15 grams ,the third plant wasnt as better then the second but worse than the first
do not recommend anymore. I have grow experience for 12 years, had seeds from them before, have known better times. Second time now, seeds do not germinate well.Lost 3 out of 6. Complained, their reply asking for detailed explination of process with picture to consider payback lost or new seeds. WHO? do THEY think they deal with? You can germinate seeds on a piece of wet toilet paper if you want, Keep your seeds DutchP a shame!
Sprouting 3 quality 3,yeild 3,stability 3.Feminized seeds hermie late in flowering 3 out of four times.Unreliable.
Seeds were visibly of low quality - Orange Hill Special. Only 4 of 10 germinated. Ive been doing this for years and typically get 95-100% germination. The exact opposite of what I expected from this seed company. These are the worst seeds Ive ever purchased.
I have ordered from these guys three times lately now after a mainly positive experience back in the day when they first emerged. My first bad recent experience was sending the money (cash) unregistered and I received no seeds but thought, well its my own fault (they denied they had received cash)! Second attempt I ordered Auto Flowering as this is new to me and I thought Id give it a go. seeds were 80% viable but from 20 seeds I only ended up with 8 female plants as there were multiple hermaphrodites WTF !!! Yield was 6oz from 8 plants of a smoke that was pretty shit. My most recent experience is by far the worst, 10 female seeds (non auto) ; viability 80%, 2 seemed diseased from germinating so destroyed, 6 plants put onto flowering cycle 2 hermies, 2 female and two which after 6 weeks on a flowering cycle had neither male or female characteristics but in week 7 developed tiny male flowers. From the 2 remaining female plants I yielded 2 oz. Ive been growing for 20 years and know what Im doing I would never buy from these clowns again...............................................
everything was fine, shipped from their shop in Maastricht. I prefer it to envelopes shipped from Amsterdam.
No one will reply to any inquiry at Dutch Passion. Are they a scam? It sure looks like it. Buyers: Try reputable seed banks instead.
All round good experience. All seeds germinated. If you like feminized seeds, these are the guys that made them first.
bereits 2mal bestellt und hatte kein Problem,weder mit lieferdauer noch mit der qualitaet. keimrate bei 90% und die Jorges diamond einfach der HAMMER ;-)
These guys are, in my opinion, overrated!
Getting 50-60% germ rate isnt good and i germed as i have for years, using same material method and placement of seeds as allways!
The star for customer service are only given because they answered...
But the documentation they wanted on how i germed, in order to replace the massive loss
I suffered where just insane, like they Might aswell have asked for video documentation ;-)
Im finished with these guys anyway...
Everything to now is fine. But one thing. No bonus seeds from them.
90% of seeds r grow up ,service r avrng,not enogh fast
Extra nach Maastricht in den Shop gefahren um die beste Qualität und Frische zu bekommen. Autoxtreme OK, ThinkDifferent OK, Frisian Dew Auto OK, Power Plant OK, Euforia OK, Power Plant OK ABER 5 von 5 Frisian Dew Regulär sind nicht gekeimt. Bei der ersten Mail wurden viele Fragen gestellt. Ich musste Bilder schicken (RISIKO) und am Ende glaubte man mir nicht, dass ich DP Samen gekauft hätte. Ich habe sogar Fotos vom Indoor Grow gezeigt. Mein Fehler, ich habe mich mit der Stückzahl vertan da ich sonst immer nur reguläre oder feminisierte Samen gekauft habe und nicht die Stückzahlen der Autoflowering Packung kannte. Dann noch mal Fotos gemacht von den original DP Packungen und alles erklärt. Bis heute keine Antwort mehr bekommen und als Lügner dargestellt worden. Sehr Schade, nach Jahren der Zufriedenheit so verprellt zu werden. Meine Keimmethode wurde von DP als gut gewertet. Jede Wette, die Frisian Dew Regulär Samen waren nicht die tollsten. Kann doch nicht sein, dass man eine 100% Ausfallquote hat und bei allein anderen Strains so fast 100% Keimquote hat. Damit hat mich DP als Kunden verprellt. Geld sehen die von mir nicht mehr. Deren Genetik kauf ich mir nur noch als Steckling oder von den Nachmachern ihrer Strains. Wirklich schade nach so vielen Jahren als treuer Kunde und nach der ganzen Reklame die ich immer für DP im Freundes- und Forenkreis gemacht habe.
seeds r fine but a bit long to wait
ich habe meine seeds vor circa 1,5 monaten dort bestellt und das geld ist vor einem monat angekommen doch die seeds nicht. wir schreiben jede woche wann die seeds kommen und dutch passion meint, sie müssten in den nächsten tagen kommen... das geht schon 3 wochen so.
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