Revue de la banque de graines ACE Seeds

ACE Seeds
Paiement par Versements bancaires, Argent, Carte de credit
Situé dans ES

ACE SEEDS website offers one of the most complete catalogs of marijuana strains: landrace seeds, and a great variety of high quality regular seeds along with a wide range of feminized seeds and a few autoflowering seeds too.

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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10
Impression Générale 10 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 4 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

ACE Seeds is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'informations a propos de cette banque de graines - vous devriez avoir une vue de l'utilisateur, avis ou essayer par soi a vos propres risques. Cette entreprise est inscrite en tant que eleveur au SeedFinder...

Recension de Variété

invitéoctobre 2022

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

ACE SEED IS A reliable, fast seed bank


invitéfévrier 2022

What a complete waste of time and money . Bought Baluchistan #1 and got ZERO germination. Paid good money for these seeds and waited way to long just to get nothing. I have grown 50yrs. now and understand that these things happen. But it does not seem to matter which of their strains you buy, none of them fully germinate. You may get a couple out of ten seeds. Your money is spent better elsewhere. Very disappointed.


inviténovembre 2021

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Six or seven orders in since ACE set up their own website and distribution. Has always taken a while to make it from Spain but that is down to Correos/Spanish postal service which is often notoriously slow, used the courier option once and that was pretty fast.

What you get from these guys is a great service, high quality varieties and a great choice of freebies. Germination rates are solid and you will find find plants of great character, (assuming you are looking for something different to OG, Cookies, etc) with superb effects.

Very worthwhile if you are looking for unusual sativa types, lots of true breeding varieties as well if you want to experiment with making your own hybrid stock.


inviténovembre 2021

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

I live in the UK where there are quite a good seedbanks I've used in the past, but this was my first time placing an order in another country. First attempt to pay with a credit card failed because my card was not 3D secure. I had this in the past but UK issuers seem to have abandoned this protocol. So I used International bank transfer. For this there was a 10 Euro surcharge but I wasn't too bothered about that as a 100 Euro order got me excellent freebies and free shipping. Once i resubmitted the order everything was super smooth and quick. Throughout the process communication was excellent Emails answered promptly in perfect English. I can thoroughly recommend Ace Seeds especially if you are looking for some good Sativa genetics.


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