Revue de la banque de graines The Seed Fair

The Seed Fair
Paiement par Argent, Carte de credit
Situé dans US

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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 6.5
Vitesse de livraison 8.5
Service client 10
Impression Générale 8.33 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 4 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

The Seed Fair is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'informations a propos de cette banque de graines - vous devriez avoir une vue de l'utilisateur, avis ou essayer par soi a vos propres risques.

Recension de Variété

invitéjuillet 2023

The Seed Fair is a great company to order from. Their staff and support staff online help with everything you need. The Seed Fair Reviews are legitimate online as two of my friends both ordered from them and sent a review in. The products are good quality and have a high rate of germination.

Comment by Seedfinder: That review was written in the moment they were complaining about an other review... Meanwhile it seems they had already in the past some issue, make your own picture by checking this:



invitéavril 2023

La qualite du produit 4
Vitesse de livraison 7

Quick delivery.
Germination rates are about 70%
My last order was under their "420 sale" which promised 10 free seeds with a $200 order. They did not send the free seeds.


invitédécembre 2022

The Seed Fair is a scam business run by Brendon Evan Kennedy out of his condominium in Newport Coast California. Brendon operated the notorious Clone Queen Genetics back in 2010 which was responsible for thousands of failed harvests and grows throughout California. In 2019 Brendon was sued in Federal Court for $20,000 for copyright infringement using the business name This case made national news headlines and details of the case can be easily found online (UPS v Kennedy). Brendon scams consumers by opening Yelp and Google business accounts for his unlicensed businesses and then flooding them with hundreds of fake five star reviews. Brendon buys cheap Cannabis seeds in bulk from overseas and then simply relabels them to whatever genetics you may want to purchase. Auto Seeds turn out to be photoperiod, feminized seeds turn out male and the genetics are always wrong. If you’ve been defrauded by Brendon Kennedy and The Seed Fair, please report this to the California Bureau of Cannabis enforcement or the Newport Beach Police department. Complaints can be submitted anonymously.


invitéoctobre 2022

La qualite du produit 9
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Nice selection. But most importantly (to me anyway) was the response time to any email, etc I asked of them was incredibly impressively quick.


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