Revue de la banque de graines Neptune Seed Bank

Neptune Seed Bank
Paiement par Carte de credit
Situé dans US

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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 9.5
Vitesse de livraison 9.5
Service client 10
Impression Générale 9.67 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 4 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

Neptune Seed Bank is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'informations a propos de cette banque de graines - vous devriez avoir une vue de l'utilisateur, avis ou essayer par soi a vos propres risques.

Recension de Variété

invitéjanvier 2023

La qualite du produit 8
Vitesse de livraison 8

I have had great success with Neptune Seeds. I get freebies and stickers with every order. My orders have been delivered quickly and discreetly. I have received exactly what I ordered in original breeder package. Or at least it looked like it. Fortunately, I have not had to use Customer Service in any way. Their selection is big with a wide variety of strains and prices as well as deals, closeouts, and BOGOs. They have a great selection of other items and accessories that I haven't really looked at. I will definitely use these guys again. Oh, I am in a prohibited area and I still get my products with ease.


invitéseptembre 2022

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10

First time I ordered seeds online. I was sort of nervous however, my order was perfect. Just a couple of days for delivery. Discreet. Freebies I did not expect. Nothing is what it seems anymore but for whatever it's worth my seeds came in "original looking" breeder packaging. All seeds germinated nicely and Vegging with vigor. I did not need customer service. I will definitely use again. Now the not so good is all associated with web site navigation, sorting, and strain info. All of this needs some vast improvement. But overall, I am Very satisfied. They appear to have a very large selection of products to choose from. Again, can be difficult for Newbie to navigate.


invitéjuin 2020

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

This is the worst seed bank I have ever dealt with. I have been buying. seeds over 15yrs. online. I am a listed breeder here on this site. They list to many seed banks, and they are poor at correct information about what they sell. You might order lush and get of.


invitéjuin 2021

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

If you live in the U.S. and it's territories, and don't want to deal with the hassle of ordering from Europe, where some seed banks try and force you to pay by bitcoin. Then you need to go here. Neptune has an awesome line of breeders, with no joke strains. Their customer service is impeccable from the time you place an order, processing, and delivery, and they don't keep you wondering at what stage your order is at, you receive and e-mail at each stage of your purchase. To seal the deal they send some surprise freebies. I've made 4 orders from them, and had ZERO problems. Every order I've made the seeds germinated, NO MISFIRES!!! Do yourself a solid and check them out, I think you'll find yourself not disappointed. #1 on my go to list!!!


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