Revue de la banque de graines DC Seed Exchange

DC Seed Exchange
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Situé dans US

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Classement des utilisateurs

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10
Impression Générale 10 Sur une échelle comprise entre 0 et 10 points, basé sur 5 avis d'utilisateurs.

Informations sur le chercheur de semences

DC Seed Exchange is listed as "green" at the SeedFinder. This means que nous ne pouvons absolument recommander cette banque de semences.

Recension de Variété

TREEHEARToctobre 2018

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

My favorite USA based seedbank. Very responsive, mail has never taken more than 1 to 3 days to deliver, lots of freebies and useful purchase points, amazing holiday sales, selections and a website that is clean and easy to browse/search. Very good folks that treat you well and go out of their way for you, and won't leave you hanging for several weeks, let alone not even a few days. Can't thank them enough


invitéavril 2024

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

I'm a Pacific Northwest Grower, and this was my fifth order from DC Seed Exchange since December 2022 and I paid by credit card. I've been growing for more than 50 years, and have purchased from many sources over the years. Unfortunately as many of you have probably discovered, many seed banks are not honorable seed purveyors.

I was initially skeptical purchasing seeds from this company (my initial order was $50) but this company is legit. DC Seed Exchange has an outstanding lineup of high quality seeds with many choices from well-known growers in original breeder packaging. My last year's outdoor grow included some amazing seeds from cannabis breeders Copa Genetics and Tony Green's Tortured Beans.

I screwed-up one of my prior orders, but Paul made everything right when he sure didn't need to. Two thumbs way up for DC Seed Exchange!!

By the way, I don't work for DC Seed Exchange, and nobody paid me for my views. Finally, thank you to Seedfinder for its on-going due diligence regarding seed sellers in the Seedbank Reviews section.

PNW Grower


invitéjanvier 2024

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Paul & Merry are a blessing to the business! They go above & beyond with their customer service. They have a wonderful selection & shipping is always super fast. I have nothing but love for them & DCSE!!!


inviténovembre 2023

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Paul has always been so wonderful, honest, and helpful. The only time I ever had an issue, Paul made it right without hesitation. Fast, dependable and trustworthy


PurpleMcNastyavril 2023

La qualite du produit 10
Vitesse de livraison 10
Service client 10

Very legit seed bank with a ton of amazing genetics including some real OG strains.


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