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New Strain-Menu and Strain-Browser

écrit par seedfinder

New Strain-Menu and Strain-Browser

Since tonight you'll see the new menu item "Strain-Browser" top left in the SeedFinder. When you click on it you should see a choice for all breeders and varieties if you do not have JavaScript turned off. This should save you some clicks and time, now you can go from anywhere quickly to all strain/beeder infos. Furthermore there is a new menu for the strain information and uploads. This menu will be shown directly under the strain-browser, on all pages with information about a specific variety and will also work without JavaScript ;) Using this new menu, you can quickly and easily identify and find all the uploaded information about a strain - and also the links to upload and add your own strain-info! This menu hopefully protects you against going loop ways and will help to find all the connected straininfo much easier than before :)
Par seedfinder Publié dans SeedFinder's News/Info sur Wednesday 15th of June 2011 11:07:20 AM
wie kann ich den neue Breeder oder Sorten einfügen?
Habe einfach nichts dazu gefunden.

Publié par JAHJAHChildren sur Tuesday 6th of March 2012 08:32:43 AM
This site is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!! so so very addictive...LOVE IT. God bless whoever did the work on this baby....thank you, from Kevin in Cleveland, Ohio.
Publié par guest sur Saturday 26th of January 2013 08:57:13 PM