The Attitude @ SeedFinder

écrit par seedfinder

The Attitude @ SeedFinder

The well-known and popular british seed-shop The Attitude is connected with the SeedFinder database up from now. You can find their offers - like the seeds from the other stores - with our search function or you can find them in our price comparison onto the strain-descriptions. The Attitude is a serious and well-known shop with a myriad of varieties, international shipping and a lots of bonusses, check it out!
Par seedfinder Publié dans SeedFinder's News/Info, News from the shops. sur Wednesday 28th of April 2010 10:54:18 PM
The Attitude is the bomb. Stealth shipping. Fresh seeds. Customer service that’s excellent. If you buy seeds anywhere else, you got burned.
Publié par Ripsters sur Sunday 25th of July 2010 01:46:50 PM