Peak Genetics

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur le sélectionneur de cannabis Peak Genetics. Nous avons collecté des données sur les variétés de cannabis 2 multipliées par Peak Genetics . Cliquez sur les variétés pour trouver plus d'informations, de photos, de critiques, de comparaisons et de sources pour une variété - et/ou consultez les informations sur l'éleveur ici sur la page pour en savoir plus sur Peak Genetics.

les souches de Peak Genetics

Nom de la souche Breeder Période de floraison Patrimoine de souche Feminized
Delapulco Peak Genetics 65 sativa Only female
What the Freak Peak Genetics 75 mostly sativa Normal or female

Plus d'infos sur cet éleveur

Peak Genetics's image

Peak Genetics is a small, passionate company based in Europe, specializing in the breeding and development of high-quality cannabis seeds. With over 15 years of experience in growing, we place the highest emphasis on quality over quantity. Our seeds are carefully and meticulously bred to meet the highest standards.

Transparency with our customers is of utmost importance to us. At Peak Genetics, you won't be buying a pig in a poke – we fully stand behind our products and provide comprehensive information about the origin, characteristics, and potential of each strain. As a true underground breeder, we take pride in developing authentic, robust, and premium seeds that appeal to both seasoned growers and newcomers alike.

At Peak Genetics, it’s not about mass production; it’s about perfecting each individual seed – for harvests as unique as the plants they grow.

