Cultivators Choice

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur le sélectionneur de cannabis Cultivators Choice. Nous avons collecté des données sur les variétés de cannabis 11 multipliées par Cultivators Choice . Cliquez sur les variétés pour trouver plus d'informations, de photos, de critiques, de comparaisons et de sources pour une variété - et/ou consultez les informations sur l'éleveur ici sur la page pour en savoir plus sur Cultivators Choice.

les souches de Cultivators Choice

Nom de la souche Breeder Période de floraison Patrimoine de souche Feminized
Acapulco Gold Cultivators Choice - sativa Not feminised
Afghani #1 Cultivators Choice - indica Not feminised
Early Girl Cultivators Choice - indica / sativa Not feminised
Indi-Sat Cultivators Choice - indica / sativa Not feminised
Mazari-Afghani Cultivators Choice - indica Not feminised
Orange Cultivators Choice - indica / sativa Not feminised
Original Haze Cultivators Choice - sativa Not feminised
Pollyanna Cultivators Choice 63 mostly sativa Not feminised
Skunk #1 Cultivators Choice - mostly sativa Not feminised
Skunk #1 x South African Cultivators Choice - mostly sativa Not feminised
South African Cultivators Choice - sativa Not feminised

Plus d'infos sur cet éleveur

Cultivators Choice's image

This seedbank does not exist any more. In his 1985'er catalogue, Sam the Skunkman, the founder of this legendary company write:
Creators of "Sacred Seeds", "High Breed" and "Select Seeds" is the worlds leading explorer, importer, cultivator, breeder and researcher of select, exotic, pedigreed cannabis seed. Cultivators Choice offers the finest of:

- Pure, true breeding varieties
- The ultimate in F1 Hybrids
- Superior, imported seed from the world over.
Cultivators Choice is proud to offer these incredible seeds to those who can truly appreciate them.

Note: These seeds are not accidental by product of commercial cannabis production. They are from consciously chosen seed strains, carefully cultivated and scientifically pollinated. The entire motivation is to produce vigorous, healthy seeds of the highest quality and purity.
