
happyhippiegenetics is registered at the seedfinder since 05.09.2014 and was last logged in at the 21.05.2016.


Información de usuario

Usuario Médico?


2015-06-16 NY Diesel
2015-06-16 NY Diesel
2015-06-16 NY Diesel
2015-06-06 Flash Babylon
2014-09-05 Wonder Black Dómina
2014-09-05 Wonder Black Dómina
2014-09-05 Wonder Black Dómina
2014-09-05 OG LA Affie
2014-09-05 OG LA Affie
2014-09-05 OG LA Affie
2014-09-05 OG LA Affie
2014-09-05 OG LA Affie

Reseñas de cepas

2016-05-21 Auto MASSzar
2015-11-06 NY Diesel
2015-06-06 Amnesia Lemon
2015-06-06 Critical Mass
2015-06-06 Big Bud
2015-06-06 Wonder Black Dómina
2015-06-06 La Diva
2015-06-06 Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto
2015-06-06 THC Bomb
2015-06-06 L.A. Ultra
2015-06-06 Cannatonic
2015-06-06 Lemon Diesel
2015-06-06 Amnesia VIP
2015-06-06 Blue Chemdawg
2015-06-06 Exodus Cheese
2015-06-06 The Doctor
2015-06-06 The Church
2015-06-06 Bubba Kush
2015-06-06 Amnesia
2015-06-06 Northern Lights
2015-06-06 Blueberry Bliss Auto
2015-06-06 Diesel Matic
2015-06-06 Mazari
2015-06-06 Pineapplegum
2015-06-06 Flash Babylon


2016-05-21 absolutely recommendable ONE OF THE SECRET AUTO GE... Auto MASSzar (Critical Mass Collective)
2015-11-06 AWESOME STRAIN IT DOES WHAT IT SAY ON THE INFO )... NY Diesel (Vision Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Amnesia Lemon (Barneys Farm)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Critical Mass (Mr Nice Seedbank)
2015-06-06 absolutely NOT recommendable Big Bud (Sensi Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Wonder Black Dómina (Hero Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable La Diva (Delicious Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto (World of Seeds Bank)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable THC Bomb (Bomb Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable L.A. Ultra (Resin Seeds)
2015-06-06 FOR CBD IS ONE OF THE BEST STRAINS AROUND Cannatonic (Resin Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Lemon Diesel (Emerald Triangle)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable GREAT GREAT STRAIN Amnesia VIP (VIP Seeds)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable GREAT GREAT STRAIN Blue Chemdawg (710 Genetics)
2015-06-06 absolutely recommendable Exodus Cheese (Green House Seeds)
2015-06-06 HONEST STRAIN IT OFFERS WHAT IT SAY ON INFO The Doctor (Green House Seeds)
2015-06-06 GREAT HONEST STRAIN IT OFFERS WHAT IT SAY ON INFO The Church (Green House Seeds)
2015-06-06 ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS ON THIS PLANT IS QUITE DIF... Bubba Kush (Green House Seeds)
2015-06-06 THE TASTE AND AROMA IS AWESOME BUT THE POTENCY IS... Amnesia (Vision Seeds)
2015-06-06 SUPER DUPER POTENT -- THIS NL STINGS (IF FEED NIT... Northern Lights (Vision Seeds)
2015-06-06 GREAT TASTE GREAT AROMA (WHEN IS CURED) MEDIUM Y... Blueberry Bliss Auto (Vision Seeds)
2015-06-06 GREAT STRAIN )))) AND POTENT 2 GREAT 4 HIGH TO... Mazari (Seedsman)
2015-06-06 GREAT STRAIN GREAT TASTE & AROMA GREAT GREAT H... Pineapplegum (Black Skull Seeds)
2015-06-06 DONT BUY IT SAMSARA MUST DO ALOT WORK IN THIS STRA... Flash Babylon (Samsara Seeds)
2015-06-06 STAY AWAY FROM THIS CRAP DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY IN... Flash Babylon (Samsara Seeds)
2015-06-06 AWESOME STRAIN AROMA & TASTE WAS AWESOME AND I... Diesel Matic (Black Skull Seeds)