Perfil de la Planta sobre la Wild Thailand Ryder (por World of Seeds Bank)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 2 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: SolHB y nonamez
Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:
tiempo de la cosecha en exterior o al aire libre o guerrilla
Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.
- Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es muy alto
- Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de yemas a hojas es muy bien.
- Estructura del cogollo
Los cogollos secos son duro y compacto
- Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La yerba es muy fuerte y duradero
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Olor / Aroma
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Impresion General
Wild Thailand Ryder (World of Seeds Bank) (Outdoor) está todo junto muy bueno y muy recomendable
(¡En promedio 9 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
Más información
nonamez dice
startet with the seeds (2 of 2) at the mid of may, harvest was at the begin of august, but it was a bit early, because it had mold. The yield was about 30 g per plant (10 l pots), the buds are very compact for a ruderalis, the high is very strong and sativa dominant, but not pure sativa. All in all it is a very nice strain, but the mold is a problem for outdoor
SolHB dice
Very gooood stuff maaan. I'm on the trip right now and have to say WOW, just during an evening in the middle of the week. This is quiet much for a pot, goes in the direction of a low dose shrooms or extasy. For a ruderalis hybrid this one is a real hitter. I did not really smoke some lightbloomer that has such a good effect and potency in combination as this one. Comes as a rushing hit, ultra psychedelic and colorfull and powerfull, and somewhat racy or better accelerating it is. With this you will want to turn loud the music, my one is quiet loud now. I grew it outdoor at 47,5 °N, never got sth. grown outdoor that can play such a good golf. A real star between the others, year man. Plants where put out in late July, harvest was around the middle of September, plants remain quiet short, but grow very fast in the beginning. I had well rooted cuttings beside of regular strains and they did not grow as fast as this one in the fist weeks. Very sticky and with a quiet liquid resin, you will be totally sticky everywhere after the harvest. Trimmability is acceptable, harvest is not this high, but could be somewhere around 30 - 50 g from the bigger plants. Actually I don't like to smoke but I have no vape and so I have to ;-))), but the smoke of this one was somewhat enjoyable to smoke, tasty after it. From 1 min after smoking until about 45 min after, it will want you to smoke even more and more, but trip is also very good if you don't, you don't want to sleep until the trip is nearly done. When you smoke more you could become sleepy.
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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: SolHB y nonamez
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